Malaysian Ep processing

Good day. I would just like to know how long it takes to get an Ep processed in Malaysia

I have already cancelled my Ep in Singapore as we applied for the Malaysian Ep over a month ago but have heard nothing back from the applying company on the status of the visa application.

So I just wanted to know how long I can expect to wait

It should have been processed by now I would have thought even though slow turnaround right now. Perhaps the incorporation paperwork needed from the Malaysian employer is incomplete and holding up the application. Other bottleneck is getting sectoral approval. Check with the agent. TBH most employers do their own online application through Esd or Mdec so hopefully it's a genuine job offer

Thank you for your reply.

It is definitely a legit job offer with a big company but it seems like they haven't heard anything from the Malaysian government side. We have filled in all the forms and only one came back about 2 weeks ago which was my marriage certificate but we rectified it and they said all was OK.

Anyway let us see I guess there is no other way but to wait

This is a longshot but you may be able to check the application here