
Home security on Las Terrenas

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We are in the process of buying an older house in the "El Centro" area. It has a low wall in the front and high wall on one side and the back where it borders hotel/Condo complexes. There is nothing between the neighbor's house, which also has a low front wall. Our current plan is to put a fence up between the neighbors yard and ours, for privacy, and to keep the dog we will inevitably adopt out of their yard. Second step of the plan is to increase the front wall to match the Condo wall height, and add a power gate so we can get  in and out of the yard without getting out of the car. Does anybody have cameras? What are the effective methods of security for a house that  might be unoccupied for long periods?

See also

Living in Dominican Republic: the expat guideResidency - updates and changes 2024Request for DR Driver's Manual Electronic Copies?US Social Security benefits verification letterSouthern coast retirement

Good questions.  Sounds like you are thinking ahead. I have a friend in the area who is a security specialist and he can help you if you like.

Leaving  property alone for long periods is rarely a good idea.   You will want cameras for sure and someone to look in on things once in a while.


We will take a while getting the place cleaned up and modernized. It hasn't had any work done in a long time and is dated, and technologically challenged... An older Italian woman has been there for 1 month a year for a long time, then it's left closed up. Nothing to steal inside, so there is that!


That is good for now then.


The best security will be metal grilles to all windows and doors and even patio. Dominicans are pretty good at making these grilles and screens look good with cast mouldings inserted into the grillage.

Caution with alarms if you don't have a relaible company to check on activations promptly. Recently amended noise law makes the prolonged activated alarm noise an offence. Cameras again are only as good as the security provider.

An Italian friend I knew whilst living there, told me that there was opportunity being asked to stay/sit in properties whilst the owners were away as a means of security. Worth considering?

Las Terrenas is strongly unionized and a very independent populace in every aspect, so do agree the alterations to fences etc. with your neighbors in advance, rather than provoke them into retrospective action. A good local maestro to do the work would be a big help.

There are indeed some interesting properties throughout the central section of town which given a spruce up could be a good investment.


If you will have internet/wifi I am VERY Happy with my ARLO home security system.  Cameras run for 6 months or so with out recharging battery so no wires to cut and it's all wireless.  I get an alert on my phone with video for any activation inside or out.  No monthly fees.  Plus the cameras also have a microphone and speaker so I can hear what is going on or holler "Get Out".

The cameras are white, articulate via a magnet mount on a ball and socket joint.  I put camo tape on mine and stick them in trees, etc.

Automatically records and stores activations in the cloud plus sent to your phone as an email with video and sensitivity is adjustable.  Also has night vision.

Good luck,



A further idea to provide security if you are not in the property for long periods, is to install window and door shutters which are bolted from the inside except entry door. This is a commin form of hurricane and secirity protection in other islands. Also you could consider the commercially available roll down or slide across hurricane shutters.

The key in DR is to keep intruders out. Alarm activations and video clips aren't much use when you are in another country.


Great topic.

Interesting post. I am presently analysing all the possibility how do I will protect my house. I have presently a guardian at night while my house is in construction. Recently someone try to get in but when they see the guardian they go to neighbors. 

Is it allow to have electric fence? I saw a house in Las Terenas have it.
While this is an old thread the topic is still very very relevant.   Security should be multifaceted whenever possible.

Bars and gates.



Security guard IF appropriate

Neighbors watching out for each other

Being aware and vigilent!
Yes, I am seeing more electrified wiring on top of walls lately...Is it allowed, that is another topic...
I too bought an old old house that no one maintained since the 60s with no walls around it , I too will put up the 10 foot wall with a couple of electric gates ,   and I have started to do a renovation to  the house , it  is very big with individual apartments attached plus the maids quarters , and I only come every 10-12 weeks for a month at a time for now I only live in one of the apartments and the rest of the  property is still empty of furniture but I went out and bought a lot of solar motion detector lights …..and get this I bought a motion activated K-9 barking dog machine ( 3 ) that works great , it even    Detects though walls and doors and starts barking…. Lol (works) I didn’t want to pay for the security till I do my homework on the matter too many scams
…..if you have the metal guards on the windows and doors make sure all outdoor outlets are turned off at the panel so the thief doesn’t show up with a grinder…🤔
and cut his way in ….. good luck on you renovation education ahead of you…..👍
I hope you have protection for this:  I have seen robbers take a big rock and break through a concrete wall with it and get what was on the other side.  Someone's safe!  Obviously they knew it was there but the point is, If they want in, they will get in...jumping over a 10' wall isn't difficult either.  Better you don't have anything they would want to steal...
For the most part make it difficult!  Make it hard so they go looking for an easier target!
My 2 cents or dos pesos is to agree with Planner. The security with the long battery is good because it will go far if you have images of people involved.

Also my advice try to keep appearances of what you have low key. If they see/hear loud speakers, motorcycles, quads or see evidence of $$$ those things are targets. Get security for all portable transportation too! My neighbor had his brand new bike taken right off his porch, just outside of LT, this is a normal thing there. Another neighbor almost lost her quad that had security on it. There are better ones than others.

Also TRAIN your dogs not to eat anything except what you give them. Poisoning dogs is another thing they do before breaking in. Sadly saw/heard too much of this while doing rescue work there.

Thrilled to hear you will adopt dogs down there! Great need! Coco Dog Veterinary and Enrique the other vet always need homes for rescues!

Another thing is perhaps Airbnb while your away? I personally would be very careful renting to locals while your away. When I first gor there looked at an apartment that a local girl had rented then abandoned. Her friends took everything even the tile in the shower! I mean they took everything. Needless to say I didn't rent that apartment even with promise of them repairing everything.  So just saying be careful. I heard while there this was normal. Scary. I do know many expats look for rentals so maybe consider reaching out here or with local realtor if you decide to do that. That seemed safer for those I knew who rented.

Best of luck in your endeavor. LT is a cool town...
I am reading this thread with much interest, as within the next 5-8 months my wife and I are Las Terrenas bound. Is crime really high in Las Terrenas ? Are homes being constantly broken into ? Is it better to live in a gated community in Las Terrenas ?

Thanks for sharing.

@Ian1272  A lot of the reported break-ins that I have heard about are in apartments. And sometimes, the security guards are either directly involved, or are turning a blind eye to those who don't belong on the property.

The problem with gated communities is that they often give a false sense of security.

Bella Vista is supposedly a gated community, but I haven't seen the gate closed or been stopped at the entrance since the first time I was there back in 2018. There was a restaurant within Bella Vista for a while, so anyone was allowed in. The guards that I usually see there are sleeping or engrossed in their phones.

Esperanza is a bit better, but the several times we were there looking at properties, our realtor just told the guard he was an agent and was showing property, and up went the gate! Not even a question about which property we were viewing.

We rented in a small gated residencia of three villas for almost a year and it was not unusual for the gate to be wide open! If the power was out, the gate was opened so that residents could get in and out. That means anyone else could easily get in and out too!

Also, because the beaches are public here, any residencia that connects to the beach will have vulnerable spots there.

As others have said, you want to make it as inconvenient as possible for thieves! Being in the lomas rather than in town or on the beach helps, as does having a fence/gates. Add a couple of dogs, some security lights and cameras, friendly neighbors, etc., and you shouldn't have anything to worry about!
Thanks @ddmcghee as always for sharing your knowledge and experience, it’s greatly appreciated :)
You could ask this question about any/most areas in the country and you'd get the same answers.

My guess is LT is a bit better than a lot of places.

Generally, a high tourist count points to more problems - IMO

I have avoided living in one
Hi all , I’m in puerto plata 5 min from jumbo and it’s all residential… I come every 2 months
nothings ever happened to my place and the man across the street I met for the first time hasn’t been here in the  7 years prior to me meeting him , not even garbage in the yard ,  so I’m thinking maybe the crimes are
more directed to where there’s are large numbers of tourist or expat’s……
I will disagree. Puerto Plata has plenty of crime. I am glad you are not effected. Neighborhood choice is very important.

Highest crime rate is in the big cities - little tourism!
Of course, the big cities.... all over the world.....income disparity, for one
Hi I am not sure if this would be the correct subject matter here, but does anyone have any experience in electric fence? I have a property out in el campo with a good height perimeter wall and wanted to install electric fencing up on top. Any advise or previous experience anyone can share? Thank you
This has come up a couple of times. Many of us have seen it but not sure it's actually legal!
Really? I was told it was as long as there are warning postings directly on the fence. I have seen them on the more expensive properties around the city. But thanks for the heads up will have to research a little deeper! Thanks
And let us know!
As far as I know all electrical fence’s can’t have high voltage because then there is a intention to harm ( kill ) …. But if you put up a 24 voltage fence with a few amps behind it you’ll send someone on the ass … just remember it not the voltage it’s the Amps that kill yer……lol
Thanks Tippj! Yea I would not like anyone hurt just as a deterrent. I will update you guys when I get more information. I think it beats those cemented broken glass bottles I see on some walls LOL That's wild!
Is their a place you can purchase spikes to up atop the wall? And are a type of  burning bush in the DR? This bush has wicked thorns but is used as landscaping.
Elgin what part of the country are you looking in? Most " Hiererros" (Welders) would find that for you.
They are readily available all across the country

@polo1club  we will be in Las Terrenas the hill side.

Well Elgin, any of the iron workers or ferreteria should be able to locate that for you. Like Planner mentioned its readily available at ferreteria or welder shop. I do not know of any in that area, perhaps someone in the chat that lives in LT can advise. I know a few but in SD. Good luck

@polo1club ha ya it is.  That’s what we have—the broken glass coming out of the tops of our cement walls😬

Is their a place you can purchase spikes to up atop the wall? And are a type of  burning bush in the DR? This bush has wicked thorns but is used as landscaping.
- @Elgin7144

@Elgin7144 you mention a bush in DR.  My contractor suggested the Bougainvillea.  They are pretty and have serious thorns.  They will be planted along the wall.  Or at least so I am told the have serious thorns.  I was trying to attach a photo of them, but you can look online and follow examples.

@naomimercermckell Can you imagine someone having those broken bottles cemented on the wall here in the US lol there would be an uproar! LOL How about carrying a Queen size bed on a scooter LOL its a crazy world out there! I love it!

There are so many examples that this needs its own thread! 
Is their a place you can purchase spikes to up atop the wall? And are a type of  burning bush in the DR? This bush has wicked thorns but is used as landscaping.
- @Elgin7144

@Elgin7144 you mention a bush in DR.  My contractor suggested the Bougainvillea.  They are pretty and have serious thorns.  They will be planted along the wall.  Or at least so I am told the have serious thorns.  I was trying to attach a photo of them, but you can look online and follow examples.
- @DRCulture

Lots of prickly, protective plantings available..... a cactus variety one is very effective

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