Mobib receipt for refund

Hello all,

Does anyone know how to get a receipt for transport vouchers refund?

My company said that I have to present a receipt from my mobib card in order to be reimbursed.

Would anyone care to share personal experience on that?

Best Regards,

Where did you buy your mobib card from. Normally in STIB kiosks when you buy the card, you can ask for a receipt. Also for abonnements, they can give you a receipt/invoice.

Aneesh, I have bought it at STIB Bootik.

Thank you.

Normally when you buy, you can demand an invoice/receipt. Not sure if you can get it from old purchases, but from now on, when you buy, do ask for a receipt. Also stib website is quite useful. you can see your card info and related details there too.

you can login to stib website , register account and add your mobib card information to your account , then your card details will shown and beside you will find receipt download icon , you may download using it.

Thank you very much! :)