Thinking about high school and college for teen !

Hi everyone. I have been living in the US for 7 years. It has been a wonderful experience. Originally the plan was to stay 3 years but we were granted green cards after the first year, so it eased the pressure of making decisions.
Our daughter is in 8th grade and will start high school in August. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with thinking about college, since college prep starts so early here !! College in the US or return to UK.
Has anyone got experience of moving back to the UK for university? I would be grateful for any perspectives or experiences.

I  think it's an entirely personal decision, but my guess would be that your daughter is now comfortable in American schools and American ways since the majority of her life and all of her academic life has been spent here. That would carry a lot of weight for me as a parent making that decision. You may not like it, but she has probably become pretty American. :)

Yes, I think so. Moreover, American lifestyle (and studying style) is pretty comfortable. Especially for teens.