Nursing internship outside the European Union in USA


I am in nursing school in France and with a view to my third year of studies, I would like to do an internship outside the European Union in the United States!! In view of this internship we are looking for associations or companies that would be ready to collaborate with us for this project and also to guide us from A to Z. I searched a lot on the internet I called agencies but it is very difficult to find and I am very discouraged,…. I am contacting you because you are located there perhaps you know or it is easier by being there to know associations or organizations,…If you know of any do not hesitate to contact me or if you can talk about it around you it will help us enormously

Thank you very much1f600.svg

A quick search from a prominent local university with a very respected medical program yielded this...

I'm sure other medical universities offer similar programs around the country.
