
I feel bad!

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Hey Everyone
I am from New Zealand and married to a Jordanian man and he is so lovely. I have a great love for him. I have been to Jordan twice now to live, both times for a year at the most and both times I have not enjoyed it. Awesome place though.

Due to financial commitments I have to keep comming back to New Zealand and pay for these commitments. Last time I was in Jordan I fell pregnant and decided to come back to NZ to have the baby. I applied for two visas for my husband to get in to NZ and they were both declined due to him over staying when he was here last. I had high hopes of us being a family unit here in NZ. There are jobs and we would both make a lot of money and live quite comfortably. In Jordan my husband only makes enough money to buy food and a few other basic things. We couldn’t afford a lot of things like a car and traveling and being able to have more freedom to enjoy life. I got depressed being inside a house all day. His family are really nice though.
I hate to admit it but I really don’t want to go back to Jordan with our baby. I can give her a much better life here in NZ. He is putting a lot of pressure on me now to come back to Jordan. But my gut feeling says no. He says he will find good work and so we can afford to do things. But, both times I have been to jordan he promises things but never delivers. I don’t want a life there for me and my baby. My guilt feeling is that he will never get an opportunity to meet his daughter if I don’t come and I know it will destroy his heart. What type of wife am I!!!

See also

Living in Jordan: the expat guideRights of an American mother in JordanPottery classes for children: does anyone know any in Amman?Looking for an au pair to spend time with our baby boyChild abduction (Jordan is not a member of the Hague convention)

I feel for you and your husband.  I have a beautiful friend in Amnan who is an qualified accountant & hard working man.  He is only able to work low income position too.  This is very hard on the men as they are generous hearts and want to give you all.
Keep trying for NZ, dont give up.  But simetimes we make sacrifices for those we love.


This maybe be a bit late but anyway, life in Jordan is hard especially for a man with a family, so don’t blame him for not delivering on his promises, still you are right on the idea that your daughter will enjoy a better quality of life in NZ, as i read your husband seems emotional and just wanna see his daughter and that’s understandable but not necessarily the best move.

You should keep trying for the visa and don’t compromise your daughter quality of life for your husband emotional breakdown.


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