
Primary schools in Malta....

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Quick question, what age do kids start primary school in Malta and at what age does the child need to be registered for a school to be sure of a place? Many Thanks xxx

See also

Study in MaltaEducation in MaltaLearn English in MaltaSecondary schools maltaSchools

Anyone :( x


Independent schools - just call the one you are interest in to discuss.

Stat Schools - maybe this will help (10 seconds of a google search found this) it gives the name, phone and email address of who you need to contact. … /HRD74.pdf



Legal age is 5 yrs.  But most kids do start earlier, whether at state or private school. Parents are a bit pushy here and get kids in quite formal learning early on. Not the Scandinavian system here I'm afraid!

My son, now 8 yrs, started a private kindergarten at 4yrs.  The school he now attends, private, has extended its early years downwards to accept very young ones. So in theory, it's up to you but so long as they are at school at age 5. Exactly how the birthday and school year coincides to do this, I am not sure. For instance, if your child turns 5 in June, then they might start the following autumn.  I believe my niece here did that as she has a June b'day.  I would think this is the case but check with the Education Dept as per other commentator's reply.

We have some insights into schooling in general in Malta here on our site, written by a newish expat.  She gives her low down moving with an 7/8 yr old and a 10 yr old at the time.  Might be worth breezing over if you've other queries. YOu can contact the author if you like using the link on the byline at the end. … g-schools/



Forgot to say that re age to register for a place - well, it depends on the school but I've seen a lot of new expats arrive in recent year or so and find places immediately.  Seems to be quite possible.  The betting companies are moving a lot of staff, all the time, and the kids are at school straight away.  State schools don't all teach in Maltese, but there is no clear direction about which do and don't teach predominantly in English.  State schooling would have to accept a child immediately.  Most expats don't opt for state though! On account of the language issue. 

See this too: … o-tongues/


Many thanks to both of you for your help. We are looking at private schools I think. We´re visiting Malta in 2 weeks to find an area we like the look of then we will start contacting schools etc.
As this is my first child suppose I´m panicking a bit because in england its a lot easier just to follow what everyone else does. Just want to make sure my daughter is ok :) x

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