
Looking for Speech and Behavior Therapist in Jeddah

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Hi everyone, I am looking for Speech and behavior Therapist for my 4 year old son in Jeddah who has been diagnosed mild Autism. Please refer if you know anyone.

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Dear Mr. Ehtesham

Can you please help me as I am also looking for speech and behavior therapist for my son.


How old is your son and are you in Jeddah?


My son is 3.5 years old and I am living in Jeddah. Please also recommend any good school.


Dear Ehtesham - can you please guide me too on this topic. I am looking for a good speech therapist for a 9 year old boy in Jeddah.



Are you still looking for a behaviour therapist?


I am looking for ABA therapist in Jeddah, My 5.5years old son is mild autistic. I am pakistani.
Anyone can advise?
Please contact or send message on ***.

Moderated by Diksha 5 years ago
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Assalam o alaikum all,

i am also looking for ABA Therapist in Jeddah my 6 year old son is mild autistic.



Hi all,
can anyone share with the contact details for the speech therapist in jeddah.
My son is 4 year old still not able to talk.



Mr Ehtesham can you please help me too. If you know any speech therapist in jeddah. I am going through really tough time. Thanks


yes plz



Are you still looking for a behavior therapist for your child?


JISH     is the best...Jeddah Institute for speech and hearing  00966126675311                                                                                   this is not a private phone number                                                                                                                                                 good luck

Arshiya Siddique

You can contact @Aisha Siddique, she is qualified and experienced special educator.
Moderated by Cheryl 2 years ago
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Abdul Rehman Shaikh
Hi Everyone,

Just about to move to Jeddah. My 2 year old son is getting ABA and Communication therapy in Pakistan for a little over month now. Can someone please guide me to a centre/ institute in Jeddah where I could get the therapies going for him, English/ Urdu speaking therapists would be appreciated.

@Abdul Rehman Shaikh
I have also moved to Jeddah from Riyadh
I am also looking for the same cud u find any center for it

@Abdul Rehman Shaikh

independent learning center run by Pakistani lady Faiza Abdulaziz and hope center run by Dr uzma raheem . Both centers imparts all

kind of therapies


plzz give me the center num


@Fahim1211 my name is Jeannine Adonis Im from South Africa ,Cape town but currently in Jeddah. I  have more then 10 years experience working with children on the spectrum. I came to Saudi Arabia to  work for a family who son is dIagnosed with autism . I have a great references from previous schools and pervious employee. ***

hope to hear from you.

kind regards


Moderated by Cheryl last year
Reason : Contact details
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any private speech and OT centres in Jeddah?....i am surprised there arent many

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