Best season to move to the Netherlands


Many expats choose to move to the Netherlands at a specific time of the year, and we invite you to share some tips about the best seasons to move to the country.

What is the best season/time of the year to move to the Netherlands, and why?

How do rent prices fluctuate based on the different seasons?

Is there a change in the job market depending on the seasons, such as job availability?

Are there any seasonal festivals or cultural events that would allow you to learn about the country?

What are the times of year to avoid for expatriation to the Netherlands?

During which season did you move? How did it go?

Thank you for sharing your experience,


For me the best season would be April-May if you have a good weather ahead. Coming end of the year is not the best time as it is a bit gray and depressive and one wants a bright start of new life. December is hectic period on one side always party and celebration of important days (St. Nicholas, Christmass, New Year) and a lot of work to finish the year before hollidays.
Pressure with work is normal in April-May, and very soon it becomes a bit less during summer hollidays, also gives a good start.
Housing prices do not differ much in area I live in, but tend to grow a bit after summer hollidays.
During summer there are more tourist offers with low price tickets for transport and culture.