Basic Civic Integration Examination Abroad
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Greetings to all,
I would like to share with those who are preparing to take the exam but not aware that the questions are made public as per (Naar Nederland) site made it clear on website, which helped me alot along with some other supporting means below.
As of 18th of May 2017 the Speaking exam is made public. This means that all questions are available on this website. You can find the questions here.
Moreover, I know we could use the help and many are offering their services but this is how my road began:-
1) Mobile app named Doulingo this gave me a good start up boost with Dutch language.
2) I used Naar Nederland for the KNS part (Click Here).
3) I bought a package of 120 hours with (Dutchtutor) I only used 23 hours.
4) Practiced the Speaking part on youtube channle of (InburgerenRD)
Now after all the above and within two months time I was ready to make an appointment for my exam in Riyadh Saudi Arabia, and the exam is not that hard at all as I am 95% positive of my success, I took mine on 1st Nov and waiting for my results.
I hope you can find this post helpful and wishing everyone good luck in future.
Oh wow!!
Thank you so much for this info. I feel a little bit more prepared now. I am to sit my exam next month and I am almost done with my duolingo course. The KNS questions and answers are a lifesaver!! I have been using them but on YouTube. As well I'm using 50 languages for my pronunciation practise. I hope it all goes well.
Again thanks a bunch 😊
Glad I could help .. good luck with your exam .. invest this month into your studies and you will be just fine 👍
Your information helps.
I am also planning on doing my exam early now end of this month as me and my partner had a big plan in me visiting netherlands after i finish my exam and now that we know if i pass the exam and when IND process the MVV and TEV procedure im not allowed to be in netherlands till they finalise. we have changed our plans now and hopefully i would pass the exam.
We have paid the DUO and waiting for them to confirm the payment.
FIngers crossed!!
I am putting all the time that i have in learning. It only been almost 4 weeks that I have been learning but i am going pretty fast as I am putting all the time that i have for the exam. I am getting a bit bored of reading and listening to the naar netherlands workbook. do i really need to do it? or just focus on the questions that will be coming?
Thank you and best regards,
KNS and Listening is ok still abit more practice on Speaking. I will focus on the speaking exam questions, i think that would be good as i dont have much of time now. Is the speaking part hard?
I will be going to the Dutch Embassy in Srilnaka end of this month to do my exam.
Thank you for all the info
MaldivianMermaid wrote:I am putting all the time that i have in learning. It only been almost 4 weeks that I have been learning but i am going pretty fast as I am putting all the time that i have for the exam. I am getting a bit bored of reading and listening to the naar netherlands workbook. do i really need to do it? or just focus on the questions that will be coming?
Alright sorry for the late reply, workbook is gonna teach you dutch vocabulary & basic grammers however to answer your question I say (Stick to the questions you have) but make sure to understand the questions and the question formula
MaldivianMermaid wrote:I think that would be good as i dont have much of time now. Is the speaking part hard?
I will be going to the Dutch Embassy in Srilnaka end of this month to do my exam.
No it is not hard at all IF you manage to understand the questions and have good set of vocabulary
do not sweat it
Just go through the question in part and re do it the next day and so on and then re do it all
You can do it MM
Good Luck
Thank you Im putting all the time and effort that I have on this. Fingers crossed!
Just about 10 hours ago I got my exam's results [PASSED] . . .
This took exactly 5 weeks to get the email . . .
By The Way . . . I started an guideline youtube channel it is in Arabic with English Subtitle . . . I should be giving hints on how to handle the exams and links . . . in few hours another video is coming up
TheRealismail wrote:DING DING DING . . .
Just about 10 hours ago I got my exam's results [PASSED] . . .
This took exactly 5 weeks to get the email . . .
الف مبروك
Primadonna wrote:TheRealismail wrote:DING DING DING . . .
Just about 10 hours ago I got my exam's results [PASSED] . . .
This took exactly 5 weeks to get the email . . .
الف مبروك
Thanks alot
Dank u
الله يبارك فيك/فيكي
Mate, you just save my life. I don't think someone could have give me as much detail and precision you gave me. There's everything I need to succeed this exam. Thank you very much and I'm sure you'll receive a positive result.
Merry xmas late and a happy new year. 😉
TheRealismail wrote:Primadonna wrote:TheRealismail wrote:DING DING DING . . .
Just about 10 hours ago I got my exam's results [PASSED] . . .
This took exactly 5 weeks to get the email . . .
الف مبروك
Thanks alot
Dank u
الله يبارك فيك/فيكي
It's فيكي 😊
Sam_El Mauriziano wrote:Mate, you just save my life. I don't think someone could have give me as much detail and precision you gave me. There's everything I need to succeed this exam. Thank you very much and I'm sure you'll receive a positive result.
Merry xmas late and a happy new year. 😉
Glad I could help you bro .. good luck man
Hi Ismail
Congratulations on passing the exam. I am in the process of studying for my exams. I have a question or at least questions.
1) I am doing the Naarnederland e-program. Is that enough on its own or do you still need to get the workbook, dvd etc as I see you also referred to the workbook in one of your posts.
2) If the e-program on it's own is sufficient does it give you practice and knowledge to pass the exam?
Looking forward to your response.
vanheerdenrs wrote:Hi Ismail
Congratulations on passing the exam. I am in the process of studying for my exams. I have a question or at least questions.
Thanks alot buddy and good luck to you my friend.
vanheerdenrs wrote:1) I am doing the Naarnederland e-program. Is that enough on its own or do you still need to get the workbook, dvd etc as I see you also referred to the workbook in one of your posts.
In this post & on my youtube channel I only suggested the Photobook for the KNS exam, however I also suggested Dutchtutor for starting up Dutch classes in a smooth way, I personally find NaarNederland complicated but that's just my opinion.
vanheerdenrs wrote:2) If the e-program on it's own is sufficient does it give you practice and knowledge to pass the exam?
NaarNederland is too comprehensive so here's my detailed answer
For KNS exam (NaarNederland) << If you already bought the e-program package
For Speaking & Reading exam (DutchTutor) or (InburgerenRD)
This is the shortest way to study & practice & take your exam.
Hope this answers your questions
I attended a 60 hrs dutch course in cebu Philippines. The teacher is dutch and friendly. The cost is affordable. I passed the exam in take 1.
Now im waiting my mvv approval but will return to cebu for a2 level before going to nl. .
Hi I read your article about learning dutch....I just want to start learning it can you please help me on how to start and how to go about it please
Hi! So you did the exam and then while you were waiting the results you travel to visit your partner and then came back to start the application? Or you been apart since the exam?
For my experienced, after i passed the a1 exam my husband applied for my mvv online. I was in the Philippines and had never traveled to NL.
My mvv took 3 weeks to approve.
Hi krissah! Were you married when you applied?
Yeah. We were married in the Philippines when we applied.
@TheRealismail thanks for the info
brother, im Somali guy who lives in Somalia l, I want to neeerland for the upcoming months and my wife is in Nederland I want to met her and live there.
please how long may it take to prepare the basic civic integration exam to prepare?
can you help me the fastest and the easiest way I can pass the exam?
please help me brother
Hello Abdirashiid Abdi,
Welcome to!
Kindly note that this discussion was last active in 2019 and the member that you are looking for is also not active.
I invite you to create a new discussion on the Netherlands forum where you can ask all your questions.
Yoginee team
@Abdirashiid Abdi
@Abdirashiid Abdi Well, someone's best way could be the hardest for you.
Based on my experience. I studied for the KNS for like a month because I thought I was only sitting for only one to know how the exam is. But two weeks before the exam my partner confused me to sit for the reading. Because she couldn't wait for any longer lol So, I started preparing for the reading. 1. I started with Duolingo and then the alphabet to understand the sounds and provocations. She discovered how fast I was able to assimilate.
She hinted for me to write the speaking. Meanwhile, she paid already paid for the exams earlier. So I had like 24 hours to prepare for the speaking. In which I only memorize the 432 questions . And the 60 which is the first part.
The YouTube helped a lot and I was able to get some tricks for fast assimilation.
Like words that ends with Vindt is likely ( vies, niet leuk, leuk, niet goed. And voor is likely( familie, mijn partner, kinderen.
Hij vindt dat.... (Leuk/niet leuk)
Hij doet dat...(elke dag)
Or (Alleen)
Hij gaat... (Werken/slapen)
The KNS was the same questions and pictures as my experience in Kigali.
The speaking was also the same questions but the pictures were 99% similar. Note: answer with just one WORD OR TWO. be precise.
This are my questions for the first part of the speaking :
Hoe gaat u naar uw werk?
Hoe vaak bent u al in Nederland gewest?
Waar woont u?
Wat doet u in het weekend?
Wat hebt u gisteren gegeten?
Wat kookt u graag?
Wie wonen bij u in huis?
Welke dieren vindt u leuk?
Wat vindt u van Nederlandse mensen?
Can't remember the last because of the accent
The reading is the most difficult because you don't know what to expect. Especially the comprehension parts. It's broken into 6 reading passages with two (2) questions each
I passed with
Reading (6) two weeks ( including speaking(24hrs)
Kns( 10) 1 month
Speaking (9) 24 hours to study
@TheRealismail thank you so much, i know this post is long time ago and is really helpful. hope you are in Netherlands now
I wonder in this 2 months were you fully studying or morning doing your day job and studying during the night and weekends?
@TheRealismail thank you so much, i know this post is long time ago and is really helpful. hope you are in Netherlands now
I wonder in this 2 months were you fully studying or morning doing your day job and studying during the night and weekends?
-@KiMi Lee
I replied to you on another thread with the same topic.
Hopefully it will benefit you.
Hi hello
Hi and welcome to the Forum.
Krissah has not been active on the Forum for over 2 years so probably will not respond to your post. Perhaps create a new thread if you have a question to ask.
I hope this helps.
Expat Team
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