
Second Home Homesick

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Sitting in Indiana. 35 degrees, snow tonight.

All I can think about is my beautiful apartment, my orange sofas, my comfy bed, and watching the cruise ships from Puerto Plata cross the sea.

Not really a problem with an answer, huh? How do the rest of you back and forther's feel? And for residents, do you still wake up every morning, look around, and smile?

Tinker, is the Presidente muy frio today?? 😎🌴🏖

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Living in Dominican Republic: the expat guideLooking for U.S. Federal Employees that have retired in the DRResidency - updates and changes 2024New members of the Dominican Republic forum, introduce yourselves here - 2025Request for DR Driver's Manual Electronic Copies?

Today's the 8th, I arrived home (Toronto) on the 4th and I'm ready to leave again. Unfortunately I have things here I must take care of first.

the tinker40

Si, Christie, siempre fria con senisa tambien!  I am a very lucky guy. My home has always been where I happened to be sleeping. THEN, the DR came into my life & for the first time, I truly felt that I had a home AND it was here. From the mid 90's when I first visited from St. Croix, I felt the pull of this amazing island. Except for a hiatus for medical reasons in Florida, I have been here since March 4, 2002.  The time spent in the U.S. was af if I had lost an essential part of myself.  Been back now for a year & a half.  Purgatory no more, I'm home again.  Tom Wolfe was wrong, you can go ..........


14 1/2 years here and I am grateful every single day!

Bob K

For the first 10 years or so I was only back in the US for a total of 22 nights and 6 of them were lay overs on flights to Europe for vacation.

Now we actually split out time between here (where we still love it after 12 years) and our Motor home in the US

Bob K


The only thing I miss are kids and grandkids but I have  a new wife, new daughter and son-in-law and three new grandkids that keep me busy. I love it here and even though it takes almost 90 minutes  (going 40 to 60 kms/hour) to drive from Moca to the north coast and great beaches, I really enjoy the drive......once more settled I look forward to seeing more and meeting more Expats as well as joining Tinker at Mikes for a cold one or two.....

the tinker40

I know the feeling. Had a great time with you at the Finish Line,(Mikes place). A great expat bar. I too, miss my son, it has been many years since we have gotten together. I also miss the 4 pound packages of thick sliced bacon for $12usd. Hope you can make the meet-up on this coming Saturday, the 14th.  Don't know the place or time in Sosua, but I'm sure that we will be informed in time to make plans. Maybe .........


I can only co-miserate...we stayed last week at the casa with my mom and the kids...had perfect weather...and now we're back in snowy Michigan  :(

My husband nailed it in 2015 when we were bidding on our house:  He said, "won't having a vacation home make us constantly long to be there?"  Answer:  Yes! Always!


Ummm...snow can end storm knocked out power...temps were in the 20's/30's...had to use our skills hoaned in DR (pre-battery back up) to survive...appreciate not freezing to death when that occurs at the casa....hahaha...come sit dice homesick for Cabrera?  :sosad:


Dang it autocorrect...

the tinker40

Feel sorry for your plight, Never more quoth the Gypsy. Move here fast & you will be cold nevermore. I miss my friends in St. Croix, but I'm home now in the DR.  I don't know how to set up auto-correct obviously. That's why so many (sp)s in my posts.   The time I had to spend in central Florida for medical reasons, was a torture for me missing the DR. The only place that I've ever felt "at home".  Commiseration can be painful also, I know, I know ..............


I’ve been back to the states for a week and am having a horrible time adjusting. I have been going monthly because of this. Life is just totally opposite.

Looking for decent flights now to get back to my second home!

the tinker40

Shouldn't your First home be the one you miss the most?  First in your heart & mind? That is how it is with me. Almost 40 years in the islands & sub-tropical locations has reinforced the knowledge that the DR is my "First Home."


So true. It's a weird dual reality. I'm equally 'at home' in both places...just prefer the speed and climate of Cabrera over Metro Detroit...

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