Intercultural relationships in Dominican Republic

@Siobhan222 exercise extreme caution and don't use dating sites. Is best to have trusted people present good options to you. If you're female and they ask you for money, run away. If you're male and they ask you for money in short order, run away. If they say they love you in short order, run away and do it quickly. If they talk about sex in short order, run away.

How realistic is this? Last I checked 20% of current committed relationships began online AND Online dating is the most popular way couples meet.

Online meeting/dating is the present and future of dating and people just have to be careful and keep their eyes wide open and not ignore red flags.

That may be true in developed nations it is less so here! 

Calling women females but calling men, men is gross.



Keep believing that your man is!

I have been with my Dominican husband forb27ys. We were17 and 19 when we met, both young, in shape and in love...guess what???  It didn't matter, he still cheated and I now 43yrs old amd just finding out who he really is.

Welcome to the forums.  I am sorry to hear of your experience. Reality is, cheating happens everywhere and is committed by both men and women.  We all have to be aware at all times. Trust and respect are earned and then  must be maintained.

Men usually cheat in Latin countries as it is accepted by other men and many women, for various reasons.

Like corruption, lying, and not being punctual, cheating on your spouse may be viewed negatively by those who have different beliefs and were raised to honor their word in other countries.

So coming here, one must understand there are cultural differences which should be acceptable before diving

into a lifelong commitment.

If these are not agreeable then don't fool yourself into believing the person is exceptional and will change for you, bc you will probably be disappointed.

Your beliefs and customs are ingrained from childhood, in your community w your peers. You can modify and adjust your mindset to please someone, but for how long? It depends on the person and circumstances. If they don't always meet your expectations, are they to blame?

BTW, not taking sides, just saying...

Well said.


does she have a sister? hook a brother up, JT

You will have zero issues here.

Relationships are that anywhere. Humans will alway be that.


Huh? Confusing!