
Give Birth in SP Brazil (SingleMom)

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:/:/:/  Just give birth a week ago with my little one!! I was living here in Sao Paulo for 3 years with my mom.. Met my ex bf a year ago and get pregnant but before the baby came we get separated. He is a Brazillian! and the baby was on my name and i dont put his name as a father of my son. Can i still apply for PR? What documents i needed to? Do i need to pay some fees ? How much ? What is the process?


See also

Work permits for BrazilThe Working Holiday Visa for BrazilVisas & Other Documents in BrazilGeneral visa requirements for BrazilTransiting Throught (GRU) Guarulhos Airport in Sao Paulo

You can still apply for permanent residency.  Just goto the Cartorio with the yellow paper givent to you at the time of birth and get the birth certificate issued. 

Afterwards fill up the online application form found on the Policia Federals website.

Take the form along with the other required documents mentioned in the earlier posts to Policia Federal on the date of your appointment to submit them accordingly


I already have his Birth Certificate .. Thank you for your response!



If you have anymore questions please feel free to ask




Okaaaay ! Thank you so much !


I have some more few questions can you help me with more informations? I already applied for the RG of my son and i just need to pick it up next week. Do i need to fill up something on the website of PF ? I dont really understand some of the choices. what option i need to fill up ? do i need to pay some fees ? Thank you!!


Good morning

As per my understanding of your situation I would guess that you should at the least do the following:

1.  Apply for your baby’s passport.
2.  Apply for your National Migration Card (Same as Permanent Residency)

I will try to give the basic information here and afterwards if you require any further details you can either message back in the same thread or if you prefer you can send me a message to my inbox.

1.  To apply for your baby’s passport I am pasting the following links:

A.  Required documents to apply for the passport

Required Documents to apply for the Passport - In Portuguese

B.  Link to Passport Application Form for Brazilian citizens

Passport Application Form

2.  Apply for your National Migration Card

A.  Application form for the National Migration Card - for parents of a Brazilian National

National Migration Card - Application Form

B.  Once you have filled out the above form you will receive a “codigo De soliticao”. Which you can use to set up your appointment with the Policia Federal near you using the following link:

Set up appointment - Application Submission

C.  You will also need to generate and pay the GRU - application fee which can be done using the following link:

Link to generate GRU to pay for the Application Fees

Along with the above you will need to appear in Policia Federal on the date of the appointment with the following documents originals and photocopies in hand:

1.  Original Birth Certificate of Brazilian child
2.  Your original passport along with a photocopy of all the pages
3.  Proof of residence (if you don’t have one, you can goto the Cartorio with your landlord and ask them to make a Comprovante De Residencia)
4.  CPF
5.  If you still have your entry card that you receive while entering Brazil
6.  Payment of the GRU
7.  Two recent photographs, size 3x4cm (color, white background, undated, on smooth paper)

As mentioned earlier the info is in Portuguese, if need be you can either use the google chrome browser as it has an auto translate feature.  Also as stated earlier if you have any other questions please feel free to ask on this thread or if you prefer you can inbox me as well.

I hope the above info helps. 

Wishing you the best of luck




Hi Goodevening ! I go to PF yesterday to confirm some informations but the authorities told me that they were not accepting applications for permanencia for now. because of the new law that will come out this year.. do you know something about this ?


The new law has already been released.  Some of the Policia Federal have not been updated properly. 

The law itself was released on the 21st of November 2017.

That’s why instead of giving you a link for the permanency I sent the link for the National Migration Card :)

If possible do go back to them with the documentation and ask them to either update as to when they will start accepting applications or make the appointment and go and tell them that you are there to submit your paperwork.

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