
Volunteering at S.P.A.R.E. on April 16

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I am organizing a volunteer group to go to SPARE, an animal shelter just outside of Cairo. I have personally visited this organization and worked with the vet on staff to create a feasible program.

We will leave Zamalek at 10:30 am on April 16th.
The cost is 20 LE to cover round trip transportation.

Volunteering is a great way to meet friends and do something nice for the community!

PM me if you want more info.


See also

Living in Cairo: the expat guideAbandoned in EgyptEgyptian and Malaysian getting married - what to do? Please guide me.Friendship and communityAny foreigners near Rehab City

Hi sarahrqe!

You should post your message in Cairo classifieds under Clubs, associations, volunteers.



I got my baby through ESMA, and would really like to give back. I can't promise anything right now, since my schedule always changes. But I would like to join your volunteering group. Can I let you know the week of the event?


Sure! That's great that you adopted a pet.


That sounds awesome!  I'm totally going to reach out to you on that one! Thanks for posting about this!!!


What a great idea. I really miss my cocker spaniel who is back in Dubai - sadly only get back to see her every few months or so.

I can't make the 16th as I expect to be in Doha at that time. Do you plan to make this a regular activity? If so I'd happily join up.


Yes! This will be a regular event. Please stay in touch!


I registered to this forum because of your post. I am planning to dedicate a substantial portion of my time to volunteer work starting May. I would like to visit SPARE, but on the 16th I won't be available. Please do keep me informed if you'll organize other trips in the future. I am very much interested in helping animals.

Thank you.


very nice..volunteering is really one main thing in my life,i participated in various kinds of volunteering actv.s before..I just need to know when we will be back


Gosh.... I missed it!! why i joined this site just today...:(
Well, guess i'll look foward to participate next time.:)
can you send me mor info about your volunteer group?


how was it? feedback please? if it was fun, i might join as well next round...



I tired to access you're site to register but it would not accept my information.Are you still pursuing the type of events you mentioned above.

I wanted to register to write a review of one of the vets i used recently for my dog.

Not that i want to get involved as i did some of this type stuff back in the states a very long time ago.

I guess the worse thing i ever saw, or was part of was when we visited with a court order and warrant and vetted all the horses on one of the big farms which had the Budweiser Clydesdale's laid up on. we recommended some of the yearlings and foals be put down immediately due to joint infections some of which must have been present for over a years time. we suspected they the farm management failed to treat the foals umbilical correctly from birth. they were also wormy and had not completely shed out their winter coats and it was June. they also had un-kept feet which had curled along with some cases of founder.

I was really shocked to see the general condition of these animals.

I hope you have enough time money and help to pursue this effort.


Wow that's pretty awful... :'-( I know not everyone here can afford to keep working animals in good condition but it's heartbreaking to see how some animals are treated unecessarily badly here. The camels at the pyramids had sores on their noses where the rope had been tied and they were hit or had stoned thrown at them by the guides if they 'misbehaved' i.e. tried to scratch or walked an inch out of step :-( tried telling them off but it didn't do much good. Sigh.
Hope schemes like SPARE help educate people on this matter.


hi there Everyone,

We just had another volunteer day on the 28th and it was fantastic! We cleaned out the garden at the shelter to make it a more usable space, played with the dogs and cats and had a great time.

I believe we have fixed all of the registration problems with our site - I'm sorry you had problems Sharouk. We would LOVE your feedback on any of the vets in Cairo.

Our next volunteer day will be posted on the site soon;



Dear Sarahrqe

I am so sorry that I missed your event yesterday. To be honest I don't check the site often enough and so wasn't aware of it! I will try to be more diligent and hope to join you next time. Keep up the great work.



No luck again today, i sent you a pm Sarah.


Hi there. Yes, we've been made aware of some problems (thanks so much for the feedback!!!) and we are currently working with our webhosting company to resolve the issue. I'll let you know when we are back online. Thanks for your patience.

don moe

am in


Spare is AWESOME.  Me and my ex wife know Mona well.  They do a wonderful job over there helping not just cat and dogs but Donkeys and Horses and other pets as well.  A wonderful place, I think everyone should go there for a pet, or the Egyptian Mau Rescue Org. (EMRO) (Mona works with EMRO if she gets an overfill of cats)


Just to let everyone know that there is another volunteering day planned for this Friday (June 24th, 2011 10:00 AM to 3:30 PM) - I missed the last one but noticed this on the website. I signed up this morning and I noticed that there are still places available/volunteers needed.



Hi :) this sounds really cool - I've signed up! Shall we get both a taxi to Zamalek for the pick up? I need some cute animals to nurse, I miss my cats back home! ;)

Hopefully we won't get back to Zamalek too late, I have commitments in the evening too :D Also I guess it's worth bringing a change of clothes if we're painting!!

I hope some more people sign up for this :)



We are all looking forward to having new volunteers!! This is fantastic!!




Hi people.Iam Eva from USA, I just arrived Egypt. I am looking for new friends from all countries and cultures. I wanna know more about Egyptian culture. Hope to get new friends asap.

don moe

any new updates?

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