
Registering a birth in Norway


Hello everyone,

Have you had to or are you going to register a birth in Norway? What was the experience like?

Who is required to register the birth, and where? Can it be either the mother or father?

What documents are usually required in Norway?

How long does the process to register a birth take? Are there any time limits in which the registration must be completed?

Did you register the birth with your home country and how did that process compare? Will your child be able to have dual nationality?

Thank you for sharing your experience.


See also

Traveling to NorwayHow to travel to Norway ?Would being an autistic woman prevent me from moving to Norway?Norway issuesImmigration to Norway

I am unsure what you meant by "register birth"?  do you mean getting birth certificate? or applying for norwegian citizenship or etc?

If you mean getting birth certificate, the hospital will issue you a temporary one before you leave the hospital.  When the baby gets a "personal number", you can log into Altinn to request for additional birth certificate (in norwegian or english) to be mailed to you.  I strongly recommended you request for two sets of english.  one to keep and one to bring out during travels.  Some countries require you to present birth certificate if you are travelling with your baby.

With regards to dual nationality, note that only when at least one parent is a norwegian, THEN the baby can be applied as a norwegian citizenship and apply for a passport.

Norway does not have dual citizenships at the moment BUT there are certain cases that they will allow the baby to have dual citizenships.  It also depends on whether THE OTHER NATIONALITY will allow dual citizenship.

For example, I am from Singapore.  Singapore does not allow dual citizenship so even if Norway allows dual, I cannot apply without losing my Singapore citizenship.


fornight wrote:

I am unsure what you meant by "register birth"?  do you mean getting birth certificate? or applying for norwegian citizenship or etc?

When a baby is born it has to be registered, different countries have different rules.


When a child is born, the doctor or midwife must report the birth to the National Population Register. The names of the mother and father of the child must be provided and whether or not they live together. If the child is born without a doctor being present or when the mother is abroad, the mother is required to report the birth.