Marketing and Customer Service Expat looking to work in Bangalore

Hi all,

I am looking to relocate to Bangalore, India, for a new experience and new route in my career. Graduated from Bachelor of Science, Psychology, in University of Wollongong. I have 4+ years of experience working in Customer Service and 2+ years of experience in Marketing.

I specialize in digital and traditional marketing including social media marketing, email marketing, content writing, brochure etc.

How does one go about finding an expat job in Bangalore that will want to help me get work VISA?

As an expat, you need to gain a job offer from a company that pays you a high salary. It would be equivalent to 250,000 rupees a month.

Any awesome MNC that I should try for?

[Post under review]

Who is learning Spanish in India these days? If it took you more than five seconds to answer this question, let us work on your blindfold. With 329 million native speakers, Spanish language has proven to be one of the most important languages in the business field, due to growing interaction between India and Spanish speaking countries.

Let us have a brief look at where India stands at the moment. In terms of world economic growth, Asia in general has reached a half-way mark from which it will only take India a decade to become a global provider in key economic spheres such as those related to sustainable energy and agricultural products. Keeping this interaction in mind, the expanding global economy would require a workforce of 471 million.

Of those, 142.4 million would be provided by India. Therefore, taking advantage of the country's lower costs and its educated and English-speaking population, major players within the international scenario feel confident about approaching the local markets. The question is: is the Indian market fully prepared to face the demand created by the global economy?

This is where the blindfold needs to be removed. The integration of Indian economy with the rest of the world depends on creating awareness within the private and educational sectors. Industry needs to restructure its vision of the future.

Likewise, schools need to start paying attention to the linguistic tools that future leaders will require in order to perform well in business sectors. Moreover, Spanish-speaking regions such as Latin America and Spainare specifically seeking bilateral cooperation with India. This approach is opening a world of opportunities for specific Indian industries such as agriculture, information technology, telecommunications, etc, and is consequently leading to the signing of contracts among India and these regions that are experiencing similar growth. From the food and beverage to the BPO industry, Spanish-speaking workforce is more and more in demand, but lack of awareness of this fact may hurt Indian industry.

Since the impact of Spanish language has been overlooked, delegations of future leaders as well as field employees will have to face a serious linguistic barrier. Contracts are signed, but the ones who suffer the most are the specialists in charge of implementation of plans and ideas. Due to the urgency of this demand, Indian industry turns to the only available source of linguistic assets: Indian colleges offering Spanish philological studies.

In a rush to fill vacancies, companies recruit employees from this Spanish philological background. Subsequently, the philology students are trained by the companies in the required technical field. But how effective is it to hire a Spanish teacher for a technical post not related to teaching? In plain words, it is a waste of time, money and human resources. From a language student's point of view, it is an under use of his linguistic skills and an inaccurate choice of Unless hes technical and is a native speaker than double the advantage.

Nevertheless, she opts for these opportunities since she does not possess a clear vision about the most right area to apply her skills. We end up with philology students who do not understand the main role of a teacher in society and, instead, try to make a place for themselves in the business world with the wrong skills.
Today, more than ever before, it is important to provide philology students with the right awareness about the role of a Spanish teacher. They need to be aware of the possible scenarios and audience where they can find professional satisfaction and contribute to society in a meaningful way. These audiences could be school children, technical college students or businessmen. This is the main role of a teacher: to provide the necessary knowledge to the right audience and to help society fulfil its core need.

A Spanish teacher in India should be teaching Spanish, not occupying work positions that belong to students with the actual technical background. But when companies realize that hiring Spanish teachers is not a good idea, it is already too late. They end up firing people and importing foreign technicians to fill the vacancies. At a macro level, India, with a population of 1.2 billion, does not need a larger workforce.

But the fact remains: Indian professionals are not given the opportunity to prove their potential at an international level only because linguistic tools are missing. It is time for India to create a workforce that can cover the demand and sustain growth.

As an emerging country in the business field, India is able to establish business alliances and create enough work positions, but unable to meet such a need: an imperative demand for Spanish speaking professionals. It is time to introduce linguistic skills to future technicians, bankers, insurance salesmen, computer experts, agrochemists, bio technologists and school children. Companies must have the vision to understand that a time-bomb is ticking, and the only thing that will help India remove this blindfold is a change of paradigm.

The Spanish language is large and pervasive because there are around 406 million speakers in the world who consider Spanish their mother tongue. This makes Spanish the second language with the highest number of native speakers.

Spanish is also known as Castilian as a consequence of its origins: the language was originally born in the Castile region of Spain, where Spanish is one of the country's official languages. Spanish is the official language of several other countries in Central and South America, a direct result of the colonisation period.

In more recent years, Spanish has been increasingly spoken in the United States as a consequence of migration and the country's growing Hispanic-American population. Today, Spanish is the most spoken non-English language in the country, with 37.6 billion people speaking it at home. Of these, 2.8 million are of a non-Hispanic origin, which makes Spanish the most spoken language (apart from English) by non-Hispanics.

There are around 60 million people who speak Spanish as a second language in the world, making it one of the most important languages in international communication. As such, it is one of the official languages of the United Nations, the European Union and Mercosur. It also helps that most of the Western Hemisphere regards Spanish as their mother tongue. Spanish speakers can also be found in the African continent where it is spoken by individuals in Equatorial Guinea and Western Sahara. There are even some Spanish speakers in Asia, mainly concentrated in the Philippines.

Spanish is a Romance language, which means that it has a Latin origin like other languages such as French, Portuguese or Italian. This makes Spanish easier to learn if you are a native speaker of another Romance language or if you have already acquired one of these languages before. One of the advantages that Spanish offers to learners is that words are written in the same way they are pronounced. You should not worry about which variety you learn, as the Spanish spoken in Spain or any other Latin American country is mutually intelligible.

The English language has various loanwords from Spanish. Examples of this are “tornado” or “patio”. Various location names in the United States are Spanish in origin, especially in the south in areas closer to Spanish-speaking Mexico. These are remnants of colonial times, when Spain had conquered a large area of territories and named places such as Los Angeles (“the angels”), Nevada (“snowed”), Florida (“flowery”) or Amarillo (“yellow”).

Some of the linguistic properties that could make Spanish a little tricky to learn include the use of gender for commons nouns and the language's extensive verb conjugation, which includes six different endings for each verb tense. It is also important to know that Spanish has different ways of addressing people depending on the degree of familiarity and deference you wish to confer when uttering a particular statement. In this sense, speakers can choose between “tú”, to address people in a familiar manner, and “used”, to address older people, bosses, professors, or any other person who deserves a speaker's respect.

Historically, the earliest documents written in Spanish date back to the year 964 and they are known as las Glosas Emilianenses (“Glosses of Saint Emilianus”). These documents are a series of notes written in Spanish and Basque in the margins of a manuscript written in Latin. Between 1803 and 2010, the Spanish alphabet, called “abecedario” due to the combination of the names of letter “A”, “B”, “C” and “D”, had 29 letters altogether. In 2010, though, the Spanish Language Academy decided that “CH” and “LL” should not stand as separate letters. The letter “Ñ” is still a separate letter and it has turned into an emblem of the Spanish language, as it appears in the name of the language itself: “Español”. This letter appeared during medieval times to reflect originally Latin words and it has consolidated into the language; today, “Ñ” has its own separate key in all Spanish keyboards.

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Forget about it, Its highly difficult to find a job that offers work visa / permit in India. If you are multi lingual, you could get a job in schools for teaching position.

If you have strong ties persons handling contracts or projects involving crores of rupees with international trade, you could get one.

you need to get the job first, then the company would arrange the visa.