Looking for expat models


I am writing to you from Bangalore, India and i work for a production house where we produce tv commercials and print ads. At the moment we are casting for a Nigerian milk brand in blore and we are looking for african people ages 3-35yrs onwards to be cast in the ad. Any africans in bangalore who are interested in modeling for this ad plz write back to mubina.vaziralli@gmail.com


Hi mubina,

welcome to Expat.com!

You should post an advert in the jobs in Bangalore section.

Thank you,

thank u! have done so.


Woww! whenever I posted such requirement the Expat.com admin made sure that my total post ad was removed since it had my email id in the same format as in this ad but here I see different picture that still the ad is there and have been instructed to post it in ad section also...

hope the moderators/admin of Expat.com follow same standards of business practise for removing/allowing ad posts here for both men and women :)


Hello sebastin.

If you have questions, you can Contact Us. :)

Thank you,

Hi Aurélie,

Pls check the following link n my reply post was removed because It had my email id in the same format as in here but here post is still there without moderation, my question is that why is it removed for me and not for everyone!!! If it's moderated for email ids then it has to be uniform moderation for all right ?



Hi Sebastin,

You are off topic here and on the other thread as well.

If you are looking for a job, you should post your advert in the jobs section of the country and not post on someone else threads.

Thank you.
If you have any questions, please contact me.

Are there any availabilities for Indian chunky guys in the field of modelling :-)