India is one of the developed countries with a fast developing economy and has diverse job opportunities. People who wish to come and work in India find the open labour market welcoming. For those who wish to explore India and can adapt to the culture and lifestyle of the country, working there can be a great opportunity. There are several major cities, including Mumbai, Kolkata, New Delhi, Bangalore and Pondicherry, that host expatriate communities.
If you have finally decided to pursue a career in India, then you will need to explore different sources of employment.
The internet is one of the most popular ways to search for a job in India. There are several general as well as specialised job websites that can help you identify best job opportunities. Browsing through these websites and other professional social networks will help you understand the different job profiles and salary slabs for different types of jobs. You can also upload your resume with some of these websites that will directly connect you with the potential employers of companies. Also, consider getting a free CV review at TopCV.
Useful links:
Monster India
Career Jet
Foreign Chambers of Commerce in India
Getting in touch with the Foreign Chambers of Commerce is also a good idea to tap the relevant job opportunities. You can even contact your home country's embassy or consulate in India or any other diplomatic representatives to help you during your job search. You can try your luck with the multinational companies working across the nation.
Useful links:
The Council of European Chambers of Commerce in India
India International Chamber of Commerce
Indian Labor - List of Chambers of Commerce and Industry
BRICS Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Newspapers are a great source for finding job opportunities. There are special sections allotted for job openings in local newspapers. There are also online newspapers that can help you in your job search.
Useful links:
Times of India - Times Jobs
Hindustan Times
The Hindu
Recruitment agencies
You can also get yourself registered with recruitment agencies that can help you find a job according to your profile.
Useful links:
Kelly Services
Indian Manpower
Yellow Pages India
Adecco India
Kelly Services India
Other sources
Jobs and careers fairs often take place every year in different cities in India. You can find details by searching online to see what is going on at the time of year or location convenient to you. Information about recruitment drives for specific professions can also be found online and often there are opportunities of 'walk-in' interview sessions, where you can just turn up and be interviewed for a job, on the day.
We do our best to provide accurate and up to date information. However, if you have noticed any inaccuracies in this article, please let us know in the comments section below.