Looking for a job in india

I'm looking for a job in India.

Welcome on board stephaniemaric ;)

I guess a short presentation first would be nice. Secondly, hi, thanks you, please would also be welcomed ;)

Can you please tell us in which field are you looking for work and your work experience and so on.



Ok :)

I live in Paris and I work in the field of information technology as an engineer.
Life here is very complicated and doesn't suit me. Also, I have a child of eight years and I wish him a different life's mentality other than competitiveness.
I wish my son and I are ourselves to succeed in our life and not crush the other for the same purpose: that is what we taught in France.

Sorry for my bad english :)


Why you want to work in India? Life is not easy like in France.
Although ther are plenty of opportunities....
What are your qualifications>

Sorry for posting so many questions at once...hahaha...

take care

Hi Stephanie,
India is the right place to look for IT jobs - you can search on the Internet for jobs in Gurgaon, Bangalore (Bengaluru) and Hyderabad. Most of these are outsourced jobs from the Western countries. These places are also good for children's schools.

Please keep in mind that Indian infrastructure is better amongst the Third World countries, but it's still Third World - not like France. You should expect electric power cuts, summer temperature crossing 45 degrees Celsius, huge crowds everywhere you go (of course by now Indian population is legendary), life in slow motion, open drains and dirt on the road.

On the positive side, people are friendly and helpful, great food, a very vibrant cultural life - and yes, a healthy competition but with a different mindset and if you can spend money, you can avoid most of these discomforts mentioned above.

I guess your English will improve automatically once you are in India.

Good luck for your job search. If you have any questions, you can ask me.

hello there stephanie
i can reco you   to a multimedia  university where you can get a job as an international consultant.it is in chennai and may  be  you can feel comfy with pondicherry french culture

hello there stephanie
i can reco you   to a multimedia  university where you can get a job as an international consultant.it is in chennai and may  be  you can feel comfy with pondicherry french culture

Try to figure out on internet you will find plenty of positions for sure.

I can give you the contact of the company I am working in : Animedia. Contact them if you want, they are always looking for new interns of employees. They have a website, check it out ;)

Anything you need, ask me, I've been here only for 1 week and still have to spend 6 month thus I can answer your questions ;)

Bon courage pour tes recherches !

There are lots of employment opportunity in Information technology in India. If you can forward your CV then I can try. If u are interested then please let me know. My email id is prithwis.pintu@gmail.com



If you are looking for some freshers jobs in India, then I must tell you that State Bank of India has invited application for the post of PO and the total number of vacancies are around 10,000.

Source: freshersjobsindia.com

visit Indian embassy in Paris EMBASSY OF INDIA IN FRANCE I'm sure they might give you more information than anyone else. 
15, rue Alfred Dehodencq
75016 - Paris, France

Tel. : 00 33 1 40 50 70 70
Fax : 00 33 1 40 50 09 96

stephaniemaric wrote:


Ok :)

I live in Paris and I work in the field of information technology as an engineer.
Life here is very complicated and doesn't suit me. Also, I have a child of eight years and I wish him a different life's mentality other than competitiveness.
I wish my son and I are ourselves to succeed in our life and not crush the other for the same purpose: that is what we taught in France.

Sorry for my bad english :)


Hello I am looking for a job too. I am an English teacher with a degree I can also use in the technological fields (I'm a tech writer) Have to get 10 posts or I would start my own blog with this request for help finding work.

Hello Stephanie I am looking for a job too. I am an English teacher with a degree I can also use in the technological fields (I'm a tech writer) Have to get 10 posts or I would start my own blog with this request for help finding work.

Hi Stephanie,I work in well known IT company wipro ltd as spanish translator.In india we have lot of well known it company like infosys,tcs,wipro,genpact,accenture,oracle,hp. You can apply on the webpage of these companies or the job portail naukri.com monsterjobs.com

also contact alliance francais india to help you with job

stephaniemaric wrote:

I'm looking for a job in India.

Hi Stephan,

I saw you post regarding job in India. may be i can help you out. I like the way see the life and concern towards the care of your son.


stephaniemaric wrote:

I'm looking for a job in India.

your most welcome honey. what kind of job?
