Help on how to move to India


I'm a 24 year old woman who is thinking about moving to India (more precisely Kovalam, Kerala) for maybe a year, maybe more.

Any good tips on how to do so, what to be aware of etc.
I'm an educated social worker, is there any jobs where I can use my field of expertise?

Thank you.

It is nice to know of your interest to stay in India for a year and that too at single location ! Why Kovalam and what is your expertise for suggesting some options. Regards.

Hi Naval.

I took a 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training education in Kovalam and fell in love with the place and I made some friends there, so that is why I wanna stay there.
I'm looking for a job where I can use my knowledge and expertise but I don't know if it is possible in India. I have worked as a social worker with disabled children in Denmark for 1œ years now.


Thanks for reply. I am however based in Mumbai so can not be of much help. What I suggest is that contact some families / Yoga Centers if any out there and offer your services. Wish you luck.-Regards-Naval

It is all about when are you planning to move and what you want to carry with you. In that case I would be able to help you in suggesting for relocation/Job/stay.
Are you coming here with your family or single?
The purpose of your visit?
How long would you like to stay?
How much are you looking to earn?
What are the house hold items that you want to bring to india?
What is your style of living and expectations?
As a social worker you cannot earn that much for your stay.
If you can make these points clear then I would be able to guide with loads of information and help as I am living in Chennai but not exactly connected with Covalam which is in Kerala our neibouring state.

Hi nrs.

Thank you for your reply.
Right now my big problem is getting a visa that allows me to live and work in India. Seems I have to have a job before I go there to get a visa?
I'm coming alone to live with my boyfriend who is Indian and I'm thinking about staying for 1, max. 2 years.
I don't think I'm gonna bring so many things with me, only what I can carry.
What I really want is to start my own business as a yoga teacher, but it seems like that is not possible to do before moving.

Hope you might be able to help me.

Kind regards

You can get it only through a agent who can manage a work Visa from  greedy govt. officer/s. Remember India is one of the most corrupt country in the universe and you will find that there are many scammers so be careful with your money.

If you get married to your Indian boy friend and apply for a Visa you will have strong case for settling in India. You also say you want to set up your own business and for which you will have  to invest in it. If it is really so apply for a Business Visa and resident permit.


Did you manage to get work in Kovalam? I'm considering moving to Trivandrum for work soon and it's not far from Kovalam so if you're there and want to meet up let me know :)



Kerala is a very relaxed state and Kovalam a good area.  At a guess, prices at Kovalam may be slightly higher than you'd pay elsewhere because of the demand from tourists.

About 4KM from Kovalam, there is a development called Technopark which houses a large number of companies.  It's the biggest IT sector development in the state and is probably a good starting point.  They have a website with a list of companies on it where you will probably find a list of vacancies.

Hope that helps.


Kovalam, Varkala , cherai,  are beautiful beaches, but close to Kovalam ,just in 7 km to the south side , a nice place "Poovar island is so beautiful

At kovalam there are many Home stays, or you can rent a small villa, but apartments are little far away"
the Prizes you have to negotiate little.

Varkala, south of kovalam just one hr 30 min by road , the cliff beaches also so beautiful, but now more tourists , there are  accommodations as per your budget, the sea is more quiet & beautiful

North part of kerala " Kannur , beaches are so beautiful, and quiet, more connected to nature.

i am binu from the centrel part cochin city, if furthere information , i am happy to help you, or email me


Hi Catherina.

I haven't moved yet. I'm going on the 27th of March, if I figure something out about the job situation I will let you know.
And yes it could be fun to meet up. Let's talk more when you come :)

Hi Chris.

Thanks for your reply. Yeah I too heard that Techno Park should be a good place to get a job. I'm good with IT, cause my brother and father has both own their own IT company, but I don't have any education in the field, so hope I can still find some kind of job.

Fortunately, I have a place to stay (for free) once I get there so I don't have to worry about that.

Kerala's right choice for yoga and stuff. Or maybe the place doesn't even matter. Your say?