Recent Graduates (American) Living in India

My good friend and I will be finishing up with school this June, and then we'll be moving to India. 

Where do you suggest we should start looking for jobs?  We both will have degrees in marketing and management.


Hi mwilkins87! You should try the India classifieds > job section.

Good luck

What level of degrees you have??

Diploma, Bachelor's or Masters??

Are you coming to India only for job?

Bachelor's in Marketing and Management

We're coming for a change of scenery and to explore a new culture, but we definitely need to find jobs to support our travels!

Hey Good morning

the best thing you could do right now is register yourself in an Indian job site. you would get updates on various profiles and the pay package for that. once you get a picture then it becomes easier for you to apply.
try out these sites-,,

take care

Hey i can help u i guess this is a common practice by many students tarvel and work in order to support ur expenses, i can advice u there are many NGO's in Kolkata and some ITES company's who wud hire u people and u can get all kind of help from them to see the best of india..there are also loads of foreigners like u who travels here and does soemthing or the other, u can email ur details of journey at, and they wud get back to u as soon as possible. Cheers Rupak.


have you so far decided which city you want to work at or which city will have suitable or more jobs for you?



There are many job available in India in Marketing and management, however experience is a key criteria. I recommend you to first find an NGO which can sponsor you a VISA for marketing related job in social Enterprise, micro financing and any thing related to NGO or community development.   the reason I recommend you NGO is they will have flexible work timings, they are familiar in having interns work for them, it is a easy process and over all you can plan your travel in India.

I live in Bangalore and I had room mates from Brazil, Poland, Italy, Texas, Canada and Taiwan and all of them were in India and few are sill working for some NGO and enjoy holiday in India.

Hope it helps,

Wish you luck and success.

I am a recruitment consultant, do wend me ur resume  can arrange some job opportunities for u in Pune.
Let me know if Pune location is fine with u ..


Hey Guys,

I did my Masters in Business Management from University of Dallas,Tx in 2004.

I am working very closely with one of the top Architecture & Interior Designer firm - Fountainhead Design in Hyderabad. We have offices in Hyderabad, Banglore,Chennai, Mumbai & New Delhi. We also have our office in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Please check out our website to know more about our company and the work we do.


We are seriously looking for expats who can help with Business Development. Since you guys have done your Bachelor's in Marketing & management, this could be ideal.

We also source Italian furniture for our clients from Italy. We travel every two months to Milan,Venice & Florence to source furniture,lights & accessories for hotels & high end houses.

Kindly let me know if this could be of interest.

Thank you,

Hello to Fountainhead design.
My services can be of help to you across globe as am doing recruitments for many such clients.
Do let me know if you wish to go ahead, I can help u get some good people in the architecture / designing industry across  India as i am already serving many clients in this industry.

Would like to hear from you..


could you please post in the classifieds > jobs ? ravikhatri22, please note that advertisement is not allowed on the forum

I have posted my ad on classifieds....
But just felt saying that my reply is in line with the discussion.

Thanks so much for all of your help!

We are trying to stay in Pune; however we will go wherever there is an opportunity for us. 

Feel free to message me with any information, and I can send you our resumes!

Thank you, thank you - we are so excited to come to India!

Hi guys :) i am also looking to live and work in India. Im from South Africa and a recent Business Science grad with honours in marketing and manangement.


I'm coming from brussel in Belgium and I'd like to make a training in a NGOin India... Is there anyone who know the name of a NGO wich would like to have student pour 4 or 5 month.. I have a bachelor in management and a master in sciences economic

Thanks in advance


Hi nia and guerric88! Could you please post in the India classifieds > job section.

Thank you and good luck

guerric there are a plenty of NGO's in bangalore that will offer u an opportunilty.. let me know if u need help

Hi nia, again there are pretty good companies in Bangalore in marketing research... or fin planning.. u could give it a try

Dear dilip pinto,

Thanks for your request, but I was on, but there are too many NGO there... Do you know one in particulary wich is good?

Thanks in advance


heu guerric,.

hope your  sunday is going good,,

well are u looking for an ngo in bangalroe?? are u moving down to bangalore??
try these ngo's.. 1.) action aid. 2.) janagraha 3.) cry.. do u need contact nos for these??

i don't know which state to suggest you i am in hyderabad and here are some website for looking for job.

thank you
don't hesitate to ask me question if i am able to reply i will definetly reply

I am working in big business consultancy firm, Delhi.

Kindly send me your resume :-

i will revert & assist you  when i will recieve your resume .
