
Mauritius with kids


Hi all!

We are a married couple with kids, ages 1 and 4. I'm Argentinian and my husband is American. We have lived in Hong Kong for the past 3 years. Now, my husband has the opportunity to get a job flying in Mauritius. We are excited as the island looks like a piece of paradise, and we are ready to get out of crazy, crowded and extremely polluted Hong Kong.
For what I've been reading here, Mauritius seems like a great place for us. One thing that concerns me is safety. I've read mixed things, good and bad. Are the roads reasonably safe? Are there really a lot of accidents?
How about crime? As much as I love to complain about Hong Kong, safety is never a concern, even if I'm by myself out at night.

Thanks a lot in advance!! We are so excited :)

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Mauritius is a densely populated island with its share of wacky drivers and with lots of bikes and motorbikes, so yes accidents are bound to happen.
However the roads are a lot safer than in many countries in Asia.

Regarding law and order, there are petty crimes and theft like you would see in any other country. By observing some common and logical safety tips like you would have done anywhere else will prevent you from getting in some 'inconvenient' situations.

That said, Mauritius in no way can be compared to Hong Kong. HK is a 24-hour bustling megalopolis. On the other hand, with the exception of the resort and tourist areas and town centers, Mauritius shuts down at 6 pm and becomes quiet with little activity and people on the roads, etc. Hence, it's not recommended being out by yourself in lonely and isolated spots.


Hi Winston, thanks for your response!
Honestly, we will not miss the big city life too much. We don't go out clubbing and drinking (it's expensive and usually a pigfest), but we do have a lot of parties at home.
About the crime that's good to hear. I read somewhere that break ins and robberies were commonplace. We lived in Argentina and the US, and we know basic logical preventive measures.
As for the roads, is it mostly fender benders and bike accidents? I also read the roads are poorly lit, dangerous and hard to drive on. What is it comparable too? Maybe Thailand?
Anyways... Overall, do you think it would be a good place for a couple of young kids to grow up in? I know every place has its ups and downs, but we are thinking Mauritius would be a much better fit for us than Hong Kong.

Thanks again

Cara Kahn

We have recently moved here and so far I am finding it wonderful. Our kids are age 9 and 13 and they are very happy here.

We have moved from South Africa so in my opinion it's much safer than there. It seems from what I hear like petty crime.

Where on the island would you live ?
The thing I love is all the people , they are very friendly.

I don't find the roads to dangerous at all. I have driven in Bali and it's much worse than here.

Please let me know if you have any questions

Regards Cara


Road accidents differ in magnitude but motorbikes are the most affected...almost 75% of road accident deaths are motorcyclists.

Most of the poorly lit roads are small secondary roads along residential neighbourhoods where you won't be driving to frequently anyway.
No roads are hard to drive on...just make sure you are in the right type of vehicle...e.g you won't be going on some mountain or hill sides in a small city car but in a 4x2 or a 4-wheel drive.
Some other roads are unpaved, unlit and devoid of signage because they are either private, semi-private or they are kept this way to preserve their natural authenticity.

Your last question is somewhat general but I would try to answer. If you want to bring up your kids in a multi-cultural, multi-lingual, multi-religious, multi-racial, multi-cuisine island country, then Mauritius is the place.
Mauritius will neither be better not worse than HK...just that it has it's own characteristics and identity.

Tina Shah


Mauritius is one of the best countries to spend a peaceful life :)

Sand sea beach summer :)

As for the Kids..we hav a good educational system with foreign univerties established here so i guess shudnt be such a problem


So helpful Winston. I can't thank you enough.


Thank you Cara, very helpful too.



Mauritius is a great place for kids :) you can spend lots of time outdoors and there is so much to do (not only beach).

Anyways your questions have been answered... the roads are ok during the day, you have mostly 2 types on the road: those that drive too slow and those you can't move fast enough... most of the roads are small though and that's the biggest problem. Night drives are not very funny though. Roads are dark and bikes with no light and people walking on the side of the road are very common. Roads are not as bad as in Thailand.

It's safer here than in many places -just don't rent a house in the middle of nowhere. Choose a complex or appartment bloc. And be streetwise!
Life in Mauritius is good, but it is a country in developement and thus comes with the problems usually found in such areas.
Any questions, feel free :)