
Looking for Construction Foreman Job in Tripoli

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Meath man looking for construction foreman job in Tripoli.  Fifteen years experience in a wide base of construction projects. I would be grateful for any information on companies hiring at the moment.  Thanks.

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Finding work in Libya - a few tipsHow to apply for jobs in Tripoli ?Job OpportunitiesEnglish Teaching Job for native AmericansFuture of Expats in Libya

meathman wrote:

Meath man looking for construction foreman job in Tripoli.  Fifteen years experience in a wide base of construction projects. I would be grateful for any information on companies hiring at the moment.  Thanks.

Try: MottMac, Mace, DaVinci, Aecom

All have projects here.


Hi meathman, welcome on Expat-blog! :)

You may post an advert under Tripoli classifieds > job section as well. It might help you in your search.

I wish you good luck


Mace & Mot Macdonald are PM outfits Vinci pulled out of Libya last year. Youd be better off Trying contractors - TAV, Koray, Oberecht or CCC oh and Summa if you can speak Turkish


thanks for the help, any more info would be great,need to get out as construction in ireland is xxxxxx


are things as bad in libya as the international media are saying

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