
Salary for Civil Engineer Expat

civil engineer 1

Hello Everyone,

I have been approached by a Libyan Oil company to apply for a position, but they've asked me to provide salary expectations and that's where you guys will be very help full since i have no clue how much one makes in such profession in that country and what to ask in terms of benefits that comes a long with the job.
I am a US citizens and I have fairly 3 years of experience in my field.

From what I've read it is not a fun place to be, but I am willing to give it a try since the shape of our economy is in limbo for a while especially in my profession.

I appreciate it your inputs.

Thank you all.

See also

Living in Libya: the expat guideHow to apply for jobs in Tripoli ?Job OpportunitiesEnglish Teaching Job for native AmericansFuture of Expats in Libya

Salaries vary widely here, International companies pay the best BP, Shell etc. I am not a civil engineer, but the advice I was given was ask for at least 25% more than my UK salary.

Also as for benefits - housing should be provided by your company (or money given to you to pay for a house/flat that you find yourself). You should also be asking for at least 2 paid flights home per year. Medical cover should be provided, and also schooling for any children you may have.

As for it 'not being a fun place to be', that is not quite true for all of us. The summer is great when you can go to the beach (finding a clean one isn't easy), and have endless BBQ's. Finding the right social circle to hang around with is also important. You will have a much more laid back time here than you would in the UK/US.

Scan through this forum, and you will see MANY differing views of life in Libya, some good, others bad, it is all down to how you approach it, sometimes I LOVE living here, other days I would pay money to leave. The good times out weigh the bad, hence I am still here.

civil engineer 1

Thanks Clansman


Clansman...only two flights a year? Not good, not good at all. I am assuming your on married status? Here was me feeling hard done by with 8 weeks work and 2 weeks off.

Civil Engineer...If you are single and to repeat what someone said previously it depends on whether located in the desert or a city. 4/4, 6/3, 10/2 (weeks) is not too uncommon here in Libya.

civil engineer 1

Thanks MickyT,I will be on a single status not married.


MickyT wrote:

Clansman...only two flights a year? Not good, not good at all. I am assuming your on married status? Here was me feeling hard done by with 8 weeks work and 2 weeks off.

Civil Engineer...If you are single and to repeat what someone said previously it depends on whether located in the desert or a city. 4/4, 6/3, 10/2 (weeks) is not too uncommon here in Libya.

Micky my company gives me 3 flights a year, in my first year hear I only had 1 week off in the first 8 months !!. I am on a residents visa so I just get annual leave, if I split all my leave into one week periods the rotation would be something like 8 and 1.

I know of some companies that only provide 2 flights (paid) back to point of origin per year.


Hello sweetiey.

This thread is old (2011). Can you please start a new on the Tripoli forum and introduce yourself? :)

Thank you,