I have an artist friend in Tübingen. He has always been in contact with galleries both there and in all of the surrounding cities. He also takes commissions to do portraits, gives art courses both private and through institutes like the Volkshochschule (community college) etc. He never makes a lot and in the past did gardening work and other odd jobs to get by. Some artists also sell their work on flea markets or special artists markets. Which such markets are worthwhile is a big question. Not a lot of fun to wait around all day doing nothing but waiting for customers and in the end maybe not selling enough to cover the market fees.
Paying a lot for exhibition space for a beginner doesn’t sound profitable. Many artists struggle just to have a decent sized working space and sometimes invite people there to see their work. There are also cultural centers and organizations or even some cafes that occasionally have art exhibitions, for example Forum 3 Cafe, in Stuttgart and Südhaus in Tübingen. Not sure how one finds out about them but I know that even big insurance companies or consulting firms will sometimes have exhibitions, displaying art in the hallways of their buildings. Success as an artist is dependent on sooo many factors but for many it means working hard in every direction!
Something you really need to be aware of - professional artists, performing artists and journalists are required to join the Künstlersozialkasse also known as the KSK. One then has to pay them on a monthly basis approximately 18% of your net income. This is usually done by monthly bank transfer – (Dauerauftrag). They then contribute a matching amount to pay your health insurance (Krankenversicherung) retirement insurance (Rentenversicherung) and long term care for disabilities (Pflegeversicherung). They want to make sure people are legitimately an artist of some sort but if you are, then you are required to join - if you make the majority of your money this way.
Towards the end of the year one needs to fill out a form for the KSK about your income for the following year so they can calculate how much you have to pay. If one has a regular income, like a salary of some sort or already signed contracts it will actually be an estimated income. If, like for me, the income is unregularly, they want to know what you made over the year finishing up and just use this as a basis for the future year.
One could go on for a long time about all of the advantages, disadvantages, requirements etc. about the KSK but it best you look at their website and if you still have questions then you can ask them or contact me and maybe I can answer.