
How to make friends in Madagascar

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We have been talking about loneliness when you are abroad, let's now talk about how to make friends (locals and other expats) when you're living in Madagascar :top:

Which are your best tips to meet people and to make friends in Madagascar??

Thanks in advance for your participation

See also

Living in Madagascar: the expat guideStarting a Quantity Surveying Firm in MadagascarMaking contact with NGO's in MadagascarHow can i get a friend from madagascar?Looking for Malagasy native speakers!

Hullloww ! :)

Well, it seems that this post is quite old :D, but, there is no reply, so I decided to leave a small message... maybe it helps :cool: . Well, it's not difficult to make new friends in madagascar. People here are very friendly, and if you just dare to make the first step, they will open their doors to you. Even if they dont come to you asking, and that it might be interpreted as hostily, it actually isnt. They don't make the first step because they just dont wanna be rejected...

In reality, they are among the most pacifist people of the indian ocean and all over africa. Another way to make new friends, is, of course, your presence in the youth gathering places, like sportsclub, swimming pool, at the disco, or the cultural center... But well, spontaneous contact is the most genuine. ;)

Well, I'll end this here if I want it to be useful, because a short message is always more convincing !

I hope it helps,
see you


how can someone meet malagasy people online.thanks

Jenny and shane

Hi thing of moving to madagasgar would love some info from anybody there ready to chat anytime thanks and stay happy Jenny and Shane



Would like to know more about yourself.

Please  reply.

Thanks & Regards

Ahmed Naushad


Hi anhnaush,

Please note that this thread is dated 2008 and the last post is dated 2009 :)

Thank you

Expat-blog Team


Doesn't matter new commers can pull the subject.


Hope I find u well. Am a Zimbabwean currently working in S.A. as production supervisor in the palm oil industry.

Have heard of a friendly environment in your country. I am longing for small underpopulated countries, areas where life is easy going. And I understand your country is that kind of environment.

Waiting to here from you.
kind regards,



Thanks for your reply.

Would like to know more about yourself please.

Best Regards



Moderated by Bhavna 9 years ago
Reason : Off-topic this thread is about friendship