
Are you happy in Canada?


Hello everyone!

According to the 2016 UN World Happiness Survey, Denmark, Switzerland and Iceland are the happiest countries on earth.

How about you? Are you happy in Canada? Do you feel happier today in your host country than before in your home country? What has contributed to the change?

In your opinion, are locals in Canada happy? How can you tell?

Please share your experience!

See also

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I'm enjoying the hospitality and the culture but the immigration process is far too complex.


when I stay there for 4 years as tfw I was happy of course life there was easy no stress, work life balance was perfect


I am not happier here than in my host county and that is why we are moving soon. We totally hate  cold and harsh winers, geographical isolation, high taxes and high cost of living. Big deal of annoyance with working condition is a unionization at workplace. At a first glance it seems to be a positive factor yet some parts of collective agreement can negatively affect work-life balance. (particularly, time when you can possibly take vacation). Also, building social circle is not easy at a certain age.
Now, as for locals - it depends. People have good days, bad days and days in between. Certainly, locals are doing well financially and have a confidence in their future. However, they do complain a lot. Like really, A LOT! which makes me questioning whether there are as happy as one might think. I am in Quebec, if it makes any difference.


I released that I made a typo - I meant to say that I am not happy here as compared to the country of origin.


Family oriented is a major plus here as a parent.  Safety comes first, as  violent crimes are on the uprise in other countries.


Bitter sweet.  Canada is a beautiful place, it is a bit expensive but overall is safe and has opportunity.  However, the urge to go home is never far behind because that's where all the family are.  As for locals being happy, I would say yes, mainly.


I was worked in Denmark 3 years of housekeeping and dishwasher radisson sas Copenhagen hotel and restaurants besides of agriculture studies kvl university . Denmark happy country . I have more members in Denmark .


Hi Pricilia,

It all depends on a couple of factors and at individual basis. In my case, I am really not happier than when i was in my country. But there are some factors that still make it better here than my country of origin.  Even the locals themselves complain, then what about me an immigrant coming at a certain age. You could do a training and without experience its difficult to get a job. Nevertheless as i said before there are still factors like good health, security, education and accessibility that i think its better than my country of origin. All in all, you cannot get all what you want. Look, everyone has a goal in life and while some easily achieve these goals, others find it hard to get there. So it all depends on you as an individual. I will encourage you to come to Canada if you ask me.

I will like to seize this opportunity to ask those in this forum who are resident in Quebec and especially Montreal to create a possibility of a meetup. I really wish to establish new friends and wish to know if they are others with same interest.


Hi LadyGodiva,

Please will you be interest for us to meet? May have some ideas to share in common. If yes, let me know and i will give you my contact.


Hi Priscillia,

Thank u for asking such a brilliant question.  According to me, I have been travelling to many countries in the world and lived and worked in different parts of the world as well, there is no perfect country on the earth.  A lot depends on the equation of the Country with your own personality as well.  Talking about Canada, it is indeed one of the best countries in the world because:-

a) Strong and stable Government with a natural/healthy GDP growth.
b) There is hardly any natural disasters like earthquake, storm and flood in Canada.
c)  There is lot of human value and min. level of racism comparing other countries.
d)  Sky is the limit for your class education and research facilities.
e)  World class trailing and entertainment and healthy living options.
f)   No civil war or security threat like War of any type.
g)  Free Health Care and Free High School Education.
h)  Social welfare and Pension.
i)   Highly multicultural and availability of All type of foods and groceries.
j)   Closeness to USA ...where Canadian can also find jobs in certain industries.
k)  No Terrorism related troubles like the neighboring US or Europe.

Having said all the above, there may be some issues related to harsh winter, getting right job in Canada, distance from your homeland etc....which is part of life gain too much you have to compromise something in life................that is law of nature.

Anyone like to contact me ........*

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I love living in Canada. Every country has their good and not-so-good sides. For me it's a matter of what you want for your life. Since the first time I visited Canada, I fell in love with this country and wished to live here one day..little did I know I would move here 3 years later. If there is a piece of land in this planet I belong to, that is Ottawa. I enjoy the culture, making new friends - I joined a team to start building community and it has help a LOT. I'm on my own in this country, my whole family is back home and my family here are my friends. I have amazing Canadian friends.