
Thank you and goodbye

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I want to thank all the people who have provided advice and support over the last 9/10 months while my husband and I contemplated moving to Malta, planned our move and after we arrived.

I think this is a brilliant site - no better way to get info than from someone who is living in and experiencing the country. To everyone who takes the time to contribute - thank you so much.

Our time in Malta has come to an end - this country is not for us.

We've learned a lot in our time here. Turns it we are way more noise sensitive than we realised. Not that you need to be sensitive to have difficulty with Festa season! But on top of that, the loud voices, car horns, dogs barking, church bells and construction noise everywhere have got to us really badly. We also never want to live in apartment again.

We knew the heat in the summer would be bad but didn't realise how horrible in can be indoors, especially in the evenings. The buildings retain heat/moisture so badly that unless the aircon is on all the time it sometimes feels like hot moisture is seeping into your clothes and skin. And we are in a new,  supposedly high quality building - it's just the building materials that cause this.

I didn't like my job at all, it was missold to me in my opinion, and the international company i worked for didnt act in the same manner as it does in other worldwide locations. We also feel like we couldn't live in a nicer location on the island (the north or the south) without a longer commute to work by car, and we have no desire to spend time on the roads at all.

So that all adds up to the decision to leave, which hasn't been made lightly - I am gutted this hasn't worked out.

So my final advice to anyone thinking of moving to Malta - please make sure you know the island before you move here. Don't move for a job unless you know that your personality definitely fits in with the Maltese way of living.

I can understand why others get on well here, this has just been a massive mismatch between our personalities and priorities vs the way of life here.

All the best to everyone and thanks again.

See also

Living in Malta: the expat guideTravelling to Malta with two dogsTravelling with 3 dogs from UK to MaltaLong term room /apartmentHow to adapt to the expat challenges of everyday life in Malta
kiwi dan

Fair play, at least you'll never die wondering 'what if'!

Best wishes to you and I hope your next move goes well. Planning to head back to the Uk to regroup or is there a new expat adventure on the horizon?


UK to regroup, then somewhere cool and quiet for a holiday and afterwards we'll see what's next!


Good luck with your next move!


It is always sad when things don't work out. As far as employers go, it is often like Paul simon wrote "All lies and jests, till the man hears what he wants to hear, and disregards the rest."


It's good that you made a decision:) really brave of you!

All the best!


felinefine81 wrote:

UK to regroup, then somewhere cool and quiet for a holiday and afterwards we'll see what's next!

I'm sorry the hear that you are not staying, although I could see it coming by the nature of most of your posts.
Did you have a "Mexit" (sorry)  plan?  :(



Not a set in stone plan but we'll come up with something I'm sure. I have no regrets, if we hadn't tried it then we'd always have wondered.


Hi thanks for your kind help and wish you have a good time back in UK.

Too bad you are leaving before we moving to Malta !


Wow Feline... did not expect this at all.
I think i really am glad what i read here and you are right, it really takes a personality to live on the rock


Good luck, I hope you find somewhere that you love if you do decide to try again. 

Don't let Malta put you off trying somewhere else, it obviously wasn't for you.  You can research for months or years, but can't really say whether somewhere is for you until you live there. All the faults you found are here,  I see them too, but it doesn't bother me.  I've just got back from Florida and coming back to Malta after three weeks was a shock to be honest, it feels very foreign.  It didn't feel like I was coming home, I even forgot which floor we lived on when I got in the lift.  :lol:

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