The perfect weekend itinerary needed (touristy stuff)

Friends coming over, need to plan the perfect weekend, pls help.

How to fit everything into three nights and two full days of sightseeing? Museums, galleries excluded, those we'll visit during the week.

Also, if you could share your views on any worthwhile dinner cruises, would be super.

And where are the best bellydancers performing? To amaze us stiff Northerners…

thanks in advance,

This is gonna be of NO help but maybe point you in the right direction at least...a friend that was here with me on work went to a belly dance thing on a boat on the nile, just opposite the conrad, arkadia mall etc...was supposed to be very good, maybe impress your mates in a double hit with it being on the nile... :)

Nile Maxim is one of the best. I think you will need to reserve head of time.