Living In Bouake

Hi Everybody,

I'm living in Bouaké and I love this town :kiss: So if you need any information, do not hesitate to contact me.

Hello Sophie.rea :cheers:

Welcome on board!

Thank you for proposing your help :top:

Please feel free to participate on threads we have launched on the Forum so as to gather informations to help future expats :

> Essentials to live in Ivory Coast

> What do you like the most in Ivory Coast?

> Making phone calls in Ivory Coast

> Volunteering in Ivory Coast

> Your experience of culture shock in Ivory Coast

Best Regards

Hi Sophie !

Just arrived in Bouaké. What should I do on my first week end here?



If you like live music, you can go to the "Tribune du Live". Saturday night is Zouglou and on Sunday it's reggae. Otherwise we've got plenty of "maquis" and restaurants. If I may ask where do you stay in Bouaké?


Hi Sophie

Thanks for the suggestions !
I live in Kennedy, close to hotel Mon Afrik.

So do I. I'm about to go to mon Afrik to have a drink in about 40 minutes. Here's my cell phone I you want us to meet over there.


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Oki Im here !
Tried to text but but the message did not go through.

OK. I was there yesterday. Perhaps did you see mee. I was having dinner with a friend of mine with white hair.
I hope we will be able to meet.


I think I saw you ! I was eating a mousse d'avocat while watching the football game :) Missed each other. Rain check ?

So if you want to join me you've got my cell phone.......