
How long takes GC visa from delivery doc to getting visa

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Hi Dear friends

I just form this topic to who got their visa and write here how long it takes ?
and who deliver their documents to Denmark embassy and not get their visa yet like me :)

I deliver my document about 4 months ago (December 2015) and still waiting for result

Sample :
Nationality : Iran
Date of delivery : December 2015
Date of receive visa : ---

Thanks beforehand

See also

The Working Holiday Visa for DenmarkVisas for DenmarkThe Greencard in DenmarkResidence permit and CPR numberWorried about my Denmark Visa Application - Need Advice

Hello Mohsen,

I had submitted my documents for green card application in Oct-2014, and I had received the visa in Dec-2014. Thus, within two months, I had received the visa.

But I have met many other green card holders in Denmark who say that it took longer for them to get their green card visa. In some cases, it has been longer than a year.

I have absolutely no clue about what affects the green card processing time.



Hello Jay
Thanks for your reply

That's true dear friend and as i heard from my lawyer it may takes between 4 till 6 months
For me its just turned 4 months ... i just wanted to know about others and which stay is their cases
thanks again



All the best!
I hope and wish that you get your green card visa very sooon.


Hello Mohsen,

I had submitted my documents for green card application in 28-Dec 2015, and I had received the visa in 1-April-2016.

Thus, within 3 months, I had received the visa.

As per the new rules w.e.f. 1 Jan 2015, all Green Card Applications submitted will be processed within a Service Goal of 3 Months time.



hello.. i have been waiting for my GC but until now i have not received them. i lodge the documents last december 2014. Can anyone direct me on what to do??? thank you.



Hello Kristian,

Since you had submitted your application in Dec 2014, you should have received the approval by now(By Jan 2016). As per the old rules (2014 and before) the processing time was very long..

Why dont you give a call to the Danish Embassy Call Center and enquire if they need any further document from you.



Happy for u to get visa in such a short time. I am from India do I need to provide work experience letter for all companies I worked. As I was confused because the gr1 application was stating only for EE / EU nationals.


Hi dear Allen

GR1 isn't only for EE / EU nationals and u can apply after collect your documents

You can read all about GR1  here : … scheme.htm

If u have any question let me know my friend



Hi Moshen,

Thanks for the reply. I understand non EE citizen can also Apply but I see in gr1 application section 8 that employment history is for only EE / EU or its for non EE applicants too. That Is my doubt.  :)


Hi dear Allen

I have to say as u may know GR1 rule has been changed since January 2015 and in the new rule work experience out of EU doesn't accrue any score ... it means if u haven't work experience in EU u cant get any score at this section (work experience)

U must consider your education ,positive list (your major) and your IELTS (or any other acceptable international language exam according to the above link)

Two samples to get 100 point in GR1 rule :

No1 :
Education : Masters Degree
Positive List : YES

No2 :
Education : Bachelor Degree
Positive List : YES
IELTS : 6.5

Hope u don't have any doubt now :) ... if u have any question feels free and let me know



Hi Mohsen..

Thanks for the scenarios to get 100 points. Currently I am master degree 60 + IELTS 7 band so 40 and have work experience in positive list so 30. This GR1 form I scanned around 50 times and all by heart.  :D . My only doubt is section 8 it asks for "" if you are employed to a significant extent in an EU / EEA country "" since I have all experience inside India do I need to fill up the section 8.



Just write "N/A" or "Not applicable" for 'Name of employer' under Place of employment 1' for Section-8.
But, please note the following even if all your employment is outside the EU.

I too had enough points based on my education and IELTS and had no work experience in the EU.
But, the VFS branch in Chennai asked me to submit the following for the last 5 years(2011-2015):

1. Offfer letter, last 3 months' payslips and a letter from the current employer mentioning details of my employment.I told them that the letter would not be possible and hence, they asked me for the photocopy of my employee id card.

2. Offfer letter, last 3 months' payslips and experience letter/relieving letter from any previous employment(s) within the last 5 years.

If any of the above documents are missing, they will ask you to write a letter-they will tell you what to do based on your available documents.

Hope this helps.



Hi Podade,

Thanks for the information. that. I have MBA Systems 2 years degree but according to Danish standards they will give only 50 points for that. Moreover I have overall 7 band but I got 6 in one of the component. So I may not reach 100 points I guess. In positive list I see a three years of study is required but I have only 2 years of pg relating to IT. So I think I will not be eligible for that I guess



I got a call from embassy and finally my card has been granted as well.

However, no celebrations yet.

There was a system error in 2016, so, Danish Immigration office gave me another case order ID which I wouldn't have known had I not been contacted by the embassy. They also messed up spelling my name which has a non Latin letter. In short,  i had to call Denmark and embassy back and forth to get someone fix it. Apparently, the problem was that my case order ID has been replaced. That's why they keep blaming each other, making me oscillating between different parties.

So, In short, if you applied in 2016 and you don't hear from someone after exactly 3 months and 5 days ( let's say 95 days - 3 months processing plus a few days for Denmark to receive the documents ), it's best to follow it up.

I applied on first week of January and it's granted as of April, 2016

Not the kind of service I expected after having paid more than 1000 Euro for application.

This is just the beginning. The hardest part begins just now; finding accommodation and settling up.


Hello, I called the Danish agency in denmark and found out that they have not received my application. however, I sent them copies of my receipts to indicate that i have submitted the documents. this have truly appalled me and I could not believe that this happened. Any suggestions? Much appreciated!


they may have taken your application within another case order ID which was the case for me. Try to find it out. Most possibly, if you have created multiple case order ID's previously, they might be processing your documents in one of those, not the one you think you submitted.

( they were supposed to be deleted from the system in case no biometrics are submitted within 2 weeks, but apparently they stay forever )


shall i call them often as in everyday to follow up my case?


have you created any other case order ID before you submitted your application ? ( any that you created and forgot afterwards and created a new one instead )

If yes, I suggest you try to find out the status of your application with those ID's as well


no i did not create any id number. they gave me this id number and it is in their system, but danish agency said that they did not receive my application. i am really shocked

Mario Mauve

Hello to all of you within this post.

I want to ask you about the processing time of the Green Card and to tell you about my experience to see if you have had similar experiences.

I have applied for the Green Card in the 15th of July of 2015 (in the new scheme).

I have 60 points of a master degree, 15 points of my University Rank QS, 5 points of living one year in a EU/EEU c state and 40 points of my Language course. That is 120.

After several request for further documentation, that I have accomplished all, the Danish Agency for Labour Market and Recruitment requires me that my English test (TOEFL iBT: 99) should be sent by the ETS (English test institution base in the U.S.A.) in a 30 days period (what is not possible because it takes between 4 to 7 weeks to arrive outside the U.S.A.). Even thou I have informed about this and requested that my Green Card should not be processed before the letter of the TOEFL arrives, on October 12th they have refuse my residence permit because without the test, I only have 80 points.

On November 5th I have called by phone to the Danish Agency for... and they told me that I should appeal at the Immigration Board because they have receive my test. On November 12th they have received my appeal and told me that due delays I should have an answer in five month (around 12 of April). The 15th of April I have received a letter saying that at the end of June My case will be reviewed because of the large amount of cases.

I want to ask you: is it normal to have all these delays and times within this new Green Card schemes?

Thank you in advance for your answers.

Mario Mauvecin (Argentina)


Hello Mario,

I cannot absolutely say that it is normal for delays, but what happened to my case is very much delayed. In the end, they told me that my application was lost and needs to submit fresh application. so appalled by this and there is nothing i can do. I am trying to create loopholes and find a way to make them give me a green card. they admitted their fault and so I am not very happy with them.
with your situation, it might be possible because of the Toefl result, the danish agency have found an excuse for their delayed action.

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