Television and radio

Hello all,
I am currently living in Belgium and would like to learn more about Malta and its language so I was wondering if anyone knows where I can watch maltese television online, and where I might find schedules for what's on this week (same goes for radio).
Many thanks in advance!


we're also living in Belgium and do have the Belgian nationality.  But we're very frequent Malta/Gozo travellers. At this very moment I'm learning Maltese through self study and i'm listening all the time to Xfm radio from Malta.
Are you also Malta/Gozo addicted?



Hello Benny,
I have lived in the Netherlands for many years but when I moved here with my family, I fell head over heals in love with my boyfriend. He already was a Malta addict and when I needed a Bachelorpaper topic this year, it was an easy choice. It is still a work in progress and eventhough I have not yet been to Malta, I am already fascinated with the country and its isles.
You say you listen to Xfm radio, do you have a website for this?



just go

We plan to move over there and know the island very well.
Hear from you,


That makes two of us then! well, 4 if you include the spouses ;)
My boyfriend actually already has the papers and knows where we have to go in order to make everything official

good luck on the plans!!

Okay, maybe we'll meet once in the future.

I just got home from 3 days Malta and go back in 2 months, in 3 months,... and then by next summer hopefully definitive.

