Cost of living in Lisbon and Salaries

Hey dear all,

Currently residing in Ghent, Belgium, I am planning to move to Lisbon. I have already found a job but i have not accepted the offer yet.

If i accept it, I am supposed to start with the job by the end of March.
This looks a pretty fast start to me and I have hesitations.

I wonder what your experiences are with salaries offered in Lisbon and the cost of living.
Could you please give some examples about the neighborhoods, houses, flats which you live in, the rent you pay for them, monthly expenses of bills/ food/ transportation etc?

Are there people out there who are currently employed as customer service agents? how much are you paid if i may ask?

any help as well as  experience is appreciated.

thank you guys in advance and maybe see you soon:)


Hi sufiamber and welcome to the forum.

For cost of living
For salaries a Google search will give you websites to use.

If you are from Belgium and got an offer to work here, you should check first where you want to live! Lisbon, or coastal towns in Lisbon! This can vary in costs. The standard of living can be limited here, depending on your salary naturally!  I'm in Cascais area and no it's not cheap to rent something nice. But this is relative to what your expectations are. To work for Portuguese companies on the other hand (depending what you do or your experience is) do not pay well. The country is coming out of a crisis.  Read up on International Living, this will also help you. Daily life here on the Lisbon coast is very laid back. The standards are not like in Belgium or other parts of Europe. Climate draws everyone here! Including me from Canada. I do speak the language which helps. Your question is too vague: do your research before moving is my advice.

Monthly cost in Lisbon

Hello, there,
Maybe this post will be helpful, I already had answered the same question you are asking. Take a look. Hope it helps.
And, of course, welcome to Lisbon!