
Essentials to live in Malta

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As an expat living in Malta, what would you advise the ones about to pack to bring along?

What are the items you can easily find in Malta? On the other hand, what is less common or quite expensive?

Share with us what you would recommend to bring in one’s suitcase or container when moving to Malta.

Thank you in advance,


See also

Living in Malta: the expat guideTravelling to Malta with two dogsTravelling with 3 dogs from UK to MaltaLong term room /apartmentHow to adapt to the expat challenges of everyday life in Malta

My family and friends visiting me usually ask me if they can bring me something from the UK that I don't have here in Malta or miss from UK . To be honest we have everything here in Malta and reasonably priced .


When we came to Malta, we only brought our suitcases, nothing in special. It's true that you can find pretty everything here but I reckon that some electronic devices/items and small house appliances are bit pricey compared with the UK for example.


Bring an electric blanket for the winter! (Or buy one once you are in Malta...) With no central heating and high humidity, the houses can feel cold in the winter months...

As has already been said, electronic devices and home appliances may be more expensive than elsewhere, we'll bring LED light bulbs from IKEA next time (they're far cheaper at IKEA than in other shops, but also cheaper than in other shops in mainland Europe...).

Baby products and sunscreen/toiletries are cheaper in Austria and Germany than in Malta.

But in the end, you can get anything here...


Don't know about white goods but we have found electrical items just as cheaply here in Gozo as in the UK,
40 " TV here €300, Steam Generator Iron €120, Halogen Oven €55, Electric Blanket €20. etc.etc.
I don't think that's bad and as I can buy a pint and a coke here for €3.00 to €3.50, I think that more than compensates. (Paid £6.80 last week in UK and £8.25 at Gatwick, they said we could pay in € at 1.55 to the pound = €12.78, A guy next to us at Gatwick was charged £10.00 for a large G&T = €15.50! )



Everything in the world is available in Malta,  if you don't mind  paying more for it.  But coming from abroad definitely bring sunscreen, mosquito sprays, and all toiletries - all 25%+ in Malta. (Eg. John Frieda shampoo DE €4.60 MLA €7.20, Nivea sunscreen DE €7.25 MLA 11.40). And bring electric adapters. Don't bother with hair-straighteners; the humidity will win! Or lipsticks in summer - they melt. Beach towels are cheap if you can find them (recommend JB Stores for nice big ones).

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