How is every non pole working in Poland?

How is any Non-Polish speaking person working in this country because i find it rather impossible. Especially if you need to get visa/paperwork/ temporary stay? It's impossible. So what are you doing? What can anyone do?


I sense some frustration in your post.
It's not easy, but possible.
Find a friend who knows English and ask to be translator for you.
If you don't have friends - hire someone. The labor in Poland is cheap. You can find personal assistant for $3-5/hour, and you just need couple hours.
Some companies (like IBM in Wroclaw) are helping foreigners to get all the paperwork.
Good luck - keep warm

I work for a company with a bunch of foreigners who don't speak a word of polish so its possible. Sitting across from a Ukrainian girl and a dude from the States as I type this. Good luck!

I came here in Nov applied for residency early Dec getting decision today . I am assuming because I am paying extortionate medical ins. Brought cash it'll be a yes but not counting on anything. Get that get pesel then work.....came here for construction major homework error everyone does construction and v.well.Self employment is the only way to make decent money here and you Def need the language.
For me it's tourism as I am an outdoor hound.
Doing business is hard without language. Poles still work on phone calls not e mail.only the more European companies bother to answer e mails.ive been self employed for a long time. Personally if I had to get a job I'd be looking at wages just covering rent and a bit of food. That's the life of a lit of poles at least that's what I am told locally.

I think it's becoming more and more difficult. Many schools expect you to have your own company which is fine for the first 2 years after that good luck...ZUS of 1100 plus the 18% tax on top of that will destroy you...A lot of guys I'm talking to it's their last year in Poland some are bailing to Asia others to the Middle East...

which company do you work for if you dont mind me asking.

Learn the lingo if you can do that man you can do anything. Including leave . I would not swap this land for the desert hit the beach stand in the forest taxes are everywhere but
the air here is sweet. Depends what you want out of life .

i want peace

Plenty of that. Unless putin sends his zombies in then there'll be no peace for years. So enjoy.

I have lived all round the world including Thailand, all you need is a cheap digital camera, a interest in something, anything from cars, motorbikes, clothes even, electricals anything you can think of, and then eBay is your friend to sell on :-) even if you sell old car parts, a 1000 zl car turns into 5000zl in parts my friend , you have to have the will and the get up and go, and then  the boss is you

Im confused as to the correlation of the cheap digital camera and an interest and the selling it on ebay. Do i sale the videos on ebay?

Warrenton wrote:

Im confused as to the correlation of the cheap digital camera and an interest and the selling it on ebay. Do i sale the videos on ebay?

No, you use the camera to take photos of the items you're selling, to post on Ebay ;)


I work for a company that needed Scandianavian speakers. We are some Scandinavian speakers (Danish, Swedish, Norwegian and Finnish) and when I work everything is in my own language.

I feel I can not help you any more Warrington, if you can not understand what I wrote, sorry

Aprilia you look like a breath of fresh air, :-)

where am i supposed to get things to sale for ebay?


daz1 wrote:


Which is essentially the same thing as eBay  :lol:

No thanks im not that desperate. I just need employment. thanks anyway.

You need a polish speaker to sort these things out otherwise it just won't happen you will be bounced from person to person for hours until someone tells you your in the wrong building.

Hi Warrenton,

Unfortunately is big problem with that. But on market you can find a lot of company who can help you with administration etc. If you need same details, please contact with me.

Yeah, any information would be great and appreciated! Thanks.

Regarding ordeal by documents. I have heard a lot about oh if you don't speak polish you've had my experience everyone was very helpful from security guards up.i ve even been extracted from the queue to be dealt with by the only english speaker.There is usually someone who does. I have made mistakes due to misunderstanding s even after having got a friendly to translate, nothing disastrous.I have in my blundering way got all my numbers and certificates set up a company and start trading in a couple of weeks.Accounts is a definite area where polish is needed but you can get around it . Don't be afraid to dive in they are used to people not knowing what they're doing. I have reluctantly gone down the stereotype and set up as an efl tutor because I am trained to do it and have been teaching for years.I have also added construction as that's my real pleasure but there's not much going for a non polish speaker. I intend to do some small scale property developing while the lingo develops.
Tourism is a ready market for all sorts too.

its easy you just need to learn polish thats all

there is usually always someone who is able to speak English in at least the cities - Krakow or Warsaw. People are normally very approachable and willing to help as soon as they realize you need help but don't speak the language. At least that was my experience. :)

jonvik15 wrote:

Self employment is the only way to make decent money here and you Def need the language.

Doing business is hard without language. Poles still work on phone calls not e mail.only the more European companies bother to answer e mails.ive been self employed for a long time. Personally if I had to get a job I'd be looking at wages just covering rent and a bit of food. That's the life of a lit of poles at least that's what I am told locally.

This is too true. … x/13465085

aprilialarsen wrote:

I work for a company that needed Scandianavian speakers. We are some Scandinavian speakers (Danish, Swedish, Norwegian and Finnish) and when I work everything is in my own language.

Aprilia, could you share the name of the company or send a private message to me. I am a Danish citizen too so could be interested in this kind of work.

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I think it is possible if you find offer where your experience and achievements are suitable for it. My company is often looking for foreigners too with French, German, Chinese etc. When candidate is just like we're looking for it's not a problem to help him to relocate to PL. No matter which country he or she is from. Of course it takes a lot of time (aprox.3 months) but sometimes it's just worth it. When both sides want everything is possible.

Warrenton wrote:

No thanks im not that desperate. I just need employment. thanks anyway.

Did you found the job?
Send me your resume - I may be able to help.

I am still desperately looking. Any job at this point would be much appreciated. Hopefully this job will set up a work visa for me as well, or a work permit. Please let me know if possible. Could i have your email address for my CV?

Warrenton Maxwell

I was with the US Army in Poland for the NATO sponsored ANAKONDA 16 event from May 2016 to July and fell in love with the Country. I plan on going back myself very soon, I just have to find a job like yourself. Stay positive and it will happen!  I went back the 2nd week of August to visit friends and apply for jobs in Szczecin & Krakow but I believe the best option is Warzsawa(Warsaw) if anyone could help I would greatly appreciate it! Goodluck though bud.

Niles72 wrote:
aprilialarsen wrote:

I work for a company that needed Scandianavian speakers. We are some Scandinavian speakers (Danish, Swedish, Norwegian and Finnish) and when I work everything is in my own language.

Aprilia, could you share the name of the company or send a private message to me. I am a Danish citizen too so could be interested in this kind of work.

I am working for Schneider Electric in Warsaw.

Jm399s wrote:

I was with the US Army in Poland for the NATO sponsored ANAKONDA 16 event from May 2016 to July and fell in love with the Country. I plan on going back myself very soon, I just have to find a job like yourself. Stay positive and it will happen!  I went back the 2nd week of August to visit friends and apply for jobs in Szczecin & Krakow but I believe the best option is Warzsawa (Warsaw) if anyone could help I would greatly appreciate it! Goodluck though bud.

It depends on industry. Warszawa is expensive so many companies are in Wroclaw (Google, Credit Suisse, HP, IBM, Amazon), Kraków (few call centers), Katowice  or Poznan