Do you think Job Market in Poland is going down slowly?

Hi Guys,

I have been applying for many positions in Poland from 3 months now, guess what I have no single response :(

I have been working with Citibank in Warsaw and my contract period is over by last Friday.

Currently, looking for job in IT as Project Manager. But looks like it has become quite difficult to achieve any break-thru.

Let me know if you can help me somehow :( I have Polish GF and small puppy, I can not leave them :(

Dilip S Biradar

Hello Dilip S Biradar.

Welcome to! :)

The Jobs in Warsaw section is at your disposal. Do not hesitate to post an advert there.

Good luck,

hi dilip, send me your cv at xxx

Moderated by Bhavna 8 years ago
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