Retiring in Puerto Plata
Happy New Year!
We are considering retiring, at least part time, in the Puerta Plato area. What paperwork is needed in order to do this?
We would want to rent for awhile first and I've had a hard time finding rentals. Is there a particular website you would recommend? Or is it more word of mouth?
Are there organizations/groups which we volunteer our time. We retired to Florida a few years back, but I think we need something more interesting/challenging. Thanks in advance for any information.
I am sure others will have the best info, to do it more correctly. I retired here but all I have is a passport and tourist card. I am sure you can find the info at the top of the page to get a cedula. Finding an apartment is easier if you are here. MY daughter has a very nice 3 bedroom 2 bath unit for 330.00 USD in Puerto Plata. washer and drier hookups, no AC but its nice in evening. They also allow dogs. Most in area are very reasonable IMO. I don't mind taking photos of them and sending them.
I don't know anything at all about gated communities or expat neighborhoods or anything like that. I only know Dominican neighborhoods so others here would be better if you want that kind of info. When I came here in 1993 I never knew anyone or anything, no research just got on a plane and got off. no hotel or anything. That is not the good way.
Thanks! What is a cedula? Very green to all of this. How do you like it there? Happy most of the time? Thanks for the info on rent. It gives me an idea at least. So maybe 300 to 500 a month do? There is just two of us AND the dog. :0)
Tstager wrote:Thanks! What is a cedula? Very green to all of this. How do you like it there? Happy most of the time? Thanks for the info on rent. It gives me an idea at least. So maybe 300 to 500 a month do? There is just two of us AND the dog. :0)
Look at the 2nd post on main the PLANNER
Temporary Resdidencia - first steps!
this is what you would want. SHE knows all you need.
500.00 is a very nice place. My daughters would be 1200 a month easy in the states.
I get kind of bored here at times. frustrated somewhat. What takes one hour in USA can take 4 here
Welcome to the forums. May I first suggest you start reading threads: residencia, daily life, living, legal etc. That will give you a pop lace to start.
Then come back and ask questions.....
I agree with planner. Welcome to the board and read read and read some more. There is lots of information here, then ask away.
Have you been here before?
Finding rentals is best done when you are here "boots on the ground".
If you are looking to live comfortably plan on a budget of $1500-$2000 a month for the two of you. You can do it for less and certainly for more but I think that is a ligit middle ground to consider.
Yes you will need your residency and cedula (like a green card), if you plan on living here. Again there are lots of threads on this process.
Again welcome
Bob K
Thank you. I'm new to this and didn't know my way around, but should have looked harder. I now know where to start. I'll be reading a lot! Thanks
Actually for some like me it is a steep learning hill or mountain
Do feel free to ask questions as you read on
Bob K
if you need any help on the Puerto Plata area. My family have been here for many generations. We know many people. People in Government to.
Yes, I will be learning a lot over the next 2 yrs!! I have another question...once I have all the needed docs to go to the embassy and apply for visa in the US, can I then take the trip to DR and apply for residency and do the medical requirements in a few days and then fly back to the state's and wait for my residency instead of moving there with pets and having to wait for my container? I would rather just wait in the state's until we're approved I can't move my pets and then find out we need to go back to the US for something legal that was missed?,
Just for info. you do not need a visa to come here. Not sure if that's what you meant about the usa visa. if it was me I would come here and do it all and return if you wanted after its done. Nothing gets done here as rapidly as you would like.
No, we need permanent residency visas to move there.
yes but you can come here without. I have been here without. I just pay the fees. I have been here for years back and forth.
I haven't called the lawyer yet hopeing to do that soon. But we want to move a container there of personal belongings and bring our 2 pets. I would hate to do all that plus sell our house here in US and then be told I need to leave for any reason. We want to be dual citizens and live there for at least 5 years, if We don't like it (which I'm sure we will) we will move back in 5 years. Are you aloud to bring shipping container and pets without having residency? How much is fee ou pay if you don't mind telling me? Is it yearly or monthly? Thanks!☺
i have stayed from 1 month to over a year. its not much. I don't pay that much attention but last time over a year was a little over 100.00. You pay when you leave. It sounded strange to me the first time. i laughed when i hadto pay them money to get off the island.
I heard fees have gone up..30 to 60 days used to be I think is around 20.00. I just pay and do not really think about it.
Yes you can ship things here. even containers without living here. I would want to be here when it arrived however. if it was me. I used to ship to Haiti then truck to Puerto plata but have not done that since they were having some trouble.
IF you want health insurance here you have to live here 6 months.
don't know about pets,
I appreciate everyones answers!! I'm sure I'll keep thinking of more questions lol!! And I'm gaining more knowledge of the DR every day. I emailed the lawyer today so I should be getting some info back from him soon. Thanks!
Yes once you have applied and your application has been accepted you can bring your container in (basically tax free). You can bring your pets anytime with the proper papers (vet clearance, rabies shot, $10 free) you do not need your residency to do this.
As Texandonkey said you can move without your residency. When we arrived we applied for our residency when we got here and did not have the "card" for almost 4 months. But shipped our container when we first got here.
Bob K
You must do the residency in order to bring your belongings in tax free. Without residency the tax is minimum 18% of assessed value and duty can be up to 100%!!!! You must do residency in order to find work. There are very few places who will hire without residencia and a cedula....... And you do NOT have to be here 6 months to get health insurance, that is in correct. I can get it when you are still in the USA or wherever.
You are best to do things with time and follow the law. We do not recommend bypassing things even though most do. Its done all the time but slowly the government is cracking down.
Not what my wifes niece says. /\Six months to get health insurance and she would sell it to me if she could.
I will definitely do everything according to the law, because my luck I'll be the one getting booted out of the country, and I worry too much!
there may have been some confusion in our translation. my Spanish is ugly. I am going to check with her again. She knows the Insurance business in and out. She is always flying to Spain Europe and NYC on business trips for the company
yes its just like any country. you follow the law. I do not see anyone recommending anyone NOT follow the law here.
Once you have the paperwork that you have filed for residency you can bring the container in "tax free" But the papers have to be submitted and accepted first.
Bob K
Correct Bob. And insurance - I have a group plan Texas and I sign people up routinely here with passport, or cedula, US address, Dominican address etc it does not matter. I use Humano and I know Universal is the same honey.
You may be confusing a 6 month waiting period for pre existing conditions?
Ok, everyone is giving great info and has answered a lot of questions but I am still confused on the steps to take after I have my documents in order here in the US, I will list below what I plan on doing and please let me know if I have any of the steps out of order or if you have a simpler way to do what I am trying to achieve which is 1. Move to the DR with my two pets, and 2. have my container be shipped a few days/or week after I arrive. The following is how I plan to do this:
1. Fill out Visa Application for Residency for my Husband and I
2. Bring our Visa Applications along with
- birth certificates (required copies & translated into Spanish)
- letter from local authorities confirming we are no threat to society (req copies & translated)
- letter from our doctor confirming no infectious diseases (req copies & translated
- letter from us stating why we want to move to DR (req copies & translated)
- required online form filled out for pets and stamped by vet and USAD
- could be a few other things I may of forgot but I have the list
Then go to the Dominican Embassy in US closest to us to apply for Visa,
3. Once I have the VISA I book flight to DR (just for a week or less) and apply for Residency at the DR Embassy and do my medical requirements (I believe my lawyer will go with us to both of these appointments?)
4. Fly back home and wait (go on with my life working etc) until I hear from my lawyer that we have been accepted and can move to DR.
6. Pack up and put all that is going with us in a shipping container and have it arrive a few days or week after we arrive.
5 Book a 2nd flight (this time actually moving there) with my pets.
6 Apply for medical (unless I can apply back in the US while I am waiting to be accepted as I think I read in Planners post?)
NOTE: Also meant to say above in step 1. that all copies will be notarized and apostled
If I have this wrong let me know, I just don't want to actually move there until I know I have residency and that we are accepted, because it would be a nightmare if we have to fly back to take care of legal matters with our pets already in the DR. Sorry for the long post, but it's hard sometimes to communicate through email. THANKS everyone!!!
I believe you will have to go to Santo Domingo embassy. seems like everything we do we have to do there..I could be wrong.
Make sure your copies are originals notarized and get them apostled also. IMO its better to have translation here, not USA but that may be ok. I know notary does not mean much here but I do it anyway.
Thanks!, yes I meant to say that all originals will be notarized and apostle. I am at work now and have the full list of what I need to do at home.
Translations have to be done there by approved translators guys.
And your plan looks good to me! Yup insurance can be started from there!
Sounds like you are on the right track
Bob K
yes the 6 month time restriction was for the specific insurance I had applied for not all plans it turns out. I was trying to get an inexpensive real international policy good for the USA. I do not want just Dominican only. many international policy exclude usa. unless you pay a fortune
My husband and I just moved here from the States in September. We brought our 2 dogs and a container. You have to have your residency in order to ship the container (that is what we were told by the shipping company and lawyer~~DR lawyer). Depending on who you get to ship your container it can cost A LOT of money. BEWARE of this and make sure you read, read, read, on the process. I can give you more information if you would like. We live in Cabarete in a gated community.
You make a good point, the shipping costs must be considered! While I have not shipped any personal containers, I have in my work and the prices can vary greatly! Do your homework!
Kat11 wrote:Ok, everyone is giving great info and has answered a lot of questions but I am still confused on the steps to take after I have my documents in order here in the US, I will list below what I plan on doing and please let me know if I have any of the steps out of order or if you have a simpler way to do what I am trying to achieve which is 1. Move to the DR with my two pets, and 2. have my container be shipped a few days/or week after I arrive. The following is how I plan to do this:
1. Fill out Visa Application for Residency for my Husband and I
2. Bring our Visa Applications along with
- birth certificates (required copies & translated into Spanish)
- letter from local authorities confirming we are no threat to society (req copies & translated)
- letter from our doctor confirming no infectious diseases (req copies & translated
- letter from us stating why we want to move to DR (req copies & translated)
- required online form filled out for pets and stamped by vet and USAD
- could be a few other things I may of forgot but I have the list
Then go to the Dominican Embassy in US closest to us to apply for Visa,
You don't have to go to the Embassy directly. You can mail everything to them. That is what we did. We called them first and spoke with the representative and she told us what was needed and a website to check out. Call them they are very helpful.
Make sure you have more than one original document notarized and apostille. We had 2 - 3 of each document and it was a good thing we did!
3. Once I have the VISA I book flight to DR (just for a week or less) and apply for Residency at the DR Embassy and do my medical requirements (I believe my lawyer will go with us to both of these appointments?)
Your attorney should be with you when you are going through this process. We were only here for 3 days the first trip. We had to come back again and pick up the residency cards and that stay was for 3 days.
4. Fly back home and wait (go on with my life working etc) until I hear from my lawyer that we have been accepted and can move to DR.
The wait period can take quite a long time. Patience is what will be needed. We applied for residency in October 2014 and didn't get our residency until April 2015. We moved in September 2015.
6. Pack up and put all that is going with us in a shipping container and have it arrive a few days or week after we arrive.
Again depending on what you bring and what type of container you have it could take more than a week for your items to arrive. We had the shippers pack us on Sept 8-10 and we didn't receive our container until November 2. Again, things are slow here.
5 Book a 2nd flight (this time actually moving there) with my pets.
Depending on your pets it can be costly. We have two large dogs we brought with us. They had to be shipped separately from us because of their size and because of the weather being too hot. Only United had a flight that had temperature control in the cargo area. Make sure you read everything about bringing your pets.
6 Apply for medical (unless I can apply back in the US while I am waiting to be accepted as I think I read in Planners post?)
NOTE: Also meant to say above in step 1. that all copies will be notarized and apostled
If I have this wrong let me know, I just don't want to actually move there until I know I have residency and that we are accepted, because it would be a nightmare if we have to fly back to take care of legal matters with our pets already in the DR. Sorry for the long post, but it's hard sometimes to communicate through email. THANKS everyone!!!
I for one am interested in this topic. I am going through the process of getting residency visa and hope to have the final step completed by March. Eventually I would like to ship things from Canada, including a car. It sounds like the cost must have been higher than you first estimated.
For our 20 ft container it cost us around $13,000 US that price included the insurance as well. We did not have to pay ANY taxes and the shipper we used paid for the trip we had to take to Santo Domingo once we moved here, because we had to verify our container. Do your homework on shippers and read the fine print. We paid quite a bit of money for our container, but we didn't have to pay for any taxes and the shipper we used paid for the trip we had to make (to get our container) once it had arrived in Santo Domingo. Also, the shipper we used packed everything and unpacked everything (included in the price).
If you bring a car it must be at least 2 years old and you will have to pay taxes on it. We purchased a car here because it was less expensive than shipping one. Again, do your homework on bringing items over in containers and the costs associated
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