Autorisation pour importer notre un chien (déjà vacciné et tatoué)

Avez vous eu l'expérience d'amener votre animal domestique en RD . SI oui comment faut-il s'y prendre et combien de temps cela prend (durée pour les autorisation, quarantaine etc)

par avance merci

I hope this translates for you. It is very easy to bring a dog onto the DR.  You need a health certificate from your vet done with in 2 weeks of arrival.  A rabies vaccine done more then 30 days before arrivial and less then one year. And last but not least $10 entry fee to be paid customs. That is all it takes.

Bob K

thank you

does it make representations before coming to the veterinary services, or everything happens when it happens with the dog

thank you again