
What places a single lady can visit "alone" in Amman?

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Salam to all ,
I was wondering if anyone of you can suggest places or activities can a girl do alone in Amman to spend time or even tried by herself?!  I hope also share experiences to learn how to avoid any bad situation or places to avoid.

Girls, looking forward for your comments.

See also

Where to Go in Jordan in 1 day.Leisure in JordanFootball/soccer teams to joinGoalkeeper looking for a teamLadies Weekend Coffee

I Love GRaffiti cafee for my "Me Time" and also Boutique Bakery (both are in WEibdeh) eventho i ended up making friends from there,but it worth try :)

Good Luck


you can try Starbucks near Zain company in 8th circle


Practical you can go everywhere where you like to go but I give you one hint: stay away from the "cafe's" where you see men drinking, playing, watching tv and smoking argeela. This is absolutely a non go area for women.


Kate29 wrote:

I Love GRaffiti cafee for my "Me Time" and also Boutique Bakery (both are in WEibdeh) eventho i ended up making friends from there,but it worth try :)

Good Luck

Hello Kate and thanks for replying :)
I've checked about Graffiti coffee shop on Jeeran app (I like to check it befor going anywhere in Amman) but found many bad reviews though will put it on my list.
I appreciate it a lot.


mohdq2002 wrote:

you can try Starbucks near Zain company in 8th circle

Hello Mohammed, and Thanks for commenting.
I already thought of but wanted to check if there's interesting places specially for ladies:)

Thanks again


Primadonna wrote:

Practical you can go everywhere where you like to go but I give you one hint: stay away from the "cafe's" where you see men drinking, playing, watching tv and smoking argeela. This is absolutely a non go area for women.

Hello Primadonna ,
And thanks for your hint , I know that women can go anywhere but mostly in Arab countries it's little wired to go out alone I say that as I come from same environment, and tried to go for a walk alone here but felt uncomfortable . Unfortunately in  most of well known restaurants and coffee  shops you there's drinking and Argeela smoking :( that's why I posted to check other ladies experience!



Well,just expand your knowledge about Amman (it's a nice,safe country actually) and as i can see that you came from Yemen and I'm sure you have no difficulty with language,unlike us who came from Non arab countries,so,going out for you is not a Big issue and do not rely on Review on Jeeran,in fact you have to come and survey by yourself.

Good Luck


You hopefully found out already that Jordan is not Yemen so go out and enjoy like Kate said.


Be confident when you walk alone :) Imagine us (foreigners,first timer,and walk alone) how many eyes will stare at us ? i think for you it bit easier coz you are an Arab,And if you are afraid to go out because of Drinking and Argeelah,then i suggest you to stay Home (provide yourself with Good Books,More Snacks,and DVD's) Good Luck :)


Primadonna wrote:

Practical you can go everywhere where you like to go but I give you one hint: stay away from the "cafe's" where you see men drinking, playing, watching tv and smoking argeela. This is absolutely a non go area for women.

Why Primadonna ? In the downtown there are a lot of public cafes are mixed... it is very nice ... like Gevara Cafe


sorry it is called Gaffra


mohdq2002 wrote:
Primadonna wrote:

Practical you can go everywhere where you like to go but I give you one hint: stay away from the "cafe's" where you see men drinking, playing, watching tv and smoking argeela. This is absolutely a non go area for women.

Why Primadonna ? In the downtown there are a lot of public cafes are mixed... it is very nice ... like Gevara Cafe

I'm talking about those cafe's where only men comes,  not the mixed ones.


mohdq2002 wrote:
Primadonna wrote:

Practical you can go everywhere where you like to go but I give you one hint: stay away from the "cafe's" where you see men drinking, playing, watching tv and smoking argeela. This is absolutely a non go area for women.

Why Primadonna ? In the downtown there are a lot of public cafes are mixed... it is very nice ... like Gevara Cafe

Not to be rude, but you're not a woman. You likely don't get it.



Bratty1919 wrote:

Not to be rude, but you're not a woman. You likely don't get it.


Bratty1919 wrote:
mohdq2002 wrote:
Primadonna wrote:

Practical you can go everywhere where you like to go but I give you one hint: stay away from the "cafe's" where you see men drinking, playing, watching tv and smoking argeela. This is absolutely a non go area for women.

Why Primadonna ? In the downtown there are a lot of public cafes are mixed... it is very nice ... like Gevara Cafe

Not to be rude, but you're not a woman. You likely don't get it.

Surely i am not a woman but i saw a lot of women  in public cafes in downtown... try it when u are in Amman... it really beautiful


mohdq2002 wrote:
Bratty1919 wrote:
mohdq2002 wrote:

Why Primadonna ? In the downtown there are a lot of public cafes are mixed... it is very nice ... like Gevara Cafe

Not to be rude, but you're not a woman. You likely don't get it.

Surely i am not a woman but i saw a lot of women  in public cafes in downtown... try it when u are in Amman... it really beautiful

I can say what I did because I HAVE tried it!


Bratty1919 wrote:
mohdq2002 wrote:
Bratty1919 wrote:

Not to be rude, but you're not a woman. You likely don't get it.

Surely i am not a woman but i saw a lot of women  in public cafes in downtown... try it when u are in Amman... it really beautiful

I can say what I did because I HAVE tried it!

Ok, surely, being a lady in Jordan, or in another part in the World, is deferent as being as a man...


I want to say 20% extra on priceless!!

But on a serious note, coming from a more conservative society, currently observing a so-called 'Europeanized' society, and having been to Western countries and having talked to a good number of women from different parts of the world, I think what Bratty1919 is saying is absolutely true, and definitely not possible for us to experience.

Just observing the silent ogling or visual stares that local/foreigner women face in Pakistan (my hometown), India, Bangladesh etc. is enough to make one understand what Bratty is saying. And that is just the visual harassment, I am not talking about anything more advanced, that you can observe in the more crowded places such as buses or busy markets. To some extent, the harassment does expand to many other countries in the world, some are subtle about it, and some pretty blunt.

I am not saying I am any better than any other guys out there, but just to get the perspective of the other side, every once in a while I do talk to my female family members, or close female friends and ask them how it feels to be on the street.

Try that, and you will get some really unpleasant stories to hear!


Bratty1919 wrote:
mohdq2002 wrote:
Bratty1919 wrote:

Not to be rude, but you're not a woman. You likely don't get it.

Surely i am not a woman but i saw a lot of women  in public cafes in downtown... try it when u are in Amman... it really beautiful

I can say what I did because I HAVE tried it!


Xeeschan wrote:

I want to say 20% extra on priceless!!

But on a serious note, coming from a more conservative society, currently observing a so-called 'Europeanized' society, and having been to Western countries and having talked to a good number of women from different parts of the world, I think what Bratty1919 is saying is absolutely true, and definitely not possible for us to experience.

Just observing the silent ogling or visual stares that local/foreigner women face in Pakistan (my hometown), India, Bangladesh etc. is enough to make one understand what Bratty is saying. And that is just the visual harassment, I am not talking about anything more advanced, that you can observe in the more crowded places such as buses or busy markets. To some extent, the harassment does expand to many other countries in the world, some are subtle about it, and some pretty blunt.

I am not saying I am any better than any other guys out there, but just to get the perspective of the other side, every once in a while I do talk to my female family members, or close female friends and ask them how it feels to be on the street.

Try that, and you will get some really unpleasant stories to hear!


Bratty1919 wrote:
mohdq2002 wrote:

Surely i am not a woman but i saw a lot of women  in public cafes in downtown... try it when u are in Amman... it really beautiful

I can say what I did because I HAVE tried it!

Thanks - and to clarify, while I am from the US, I can "pass" for Turkish/Egyptian - and I STILL felt very uncomfortable at times. Also I am Muslim & dress conservitavely. I can only imagine how bad it'd be if I were very fair & blonde!!!


Yes, Bratty,  you're right. Even for me it's sometimes uncomfortable and do you know what? It's become so far that I feel uncomfortable as I see that some men are uncomfortable in my presence.

What is so extraordinary about a woman who hang the laundry outside?  Many times men staring at me until they past me by and causes almost accidents.
Or they think they are very subtle if they watch trough the mirrors of their car at me when they are in front of me.

But we tend to be a bit of topic here.


Just to add, not sure if dressing conservatively has ever stopped any staring either!

Bratty1919 wrote:

Thanks - and to clarify, while I am from the US, I can "pass" for Turkish/Egyptian - and I STILL felt very uncomfortable at times. Also I am Muslim & dress conservitavely. I can only imagine how bad it'd be if I were very fair & blonde!!!


Hey Pri

So you are saying that the laundry has a better time 'hanging out'?  :joking:

Primadonna wrote:

What is so extraordinary about a woman who hang the laundry outside?


Xeeschan wrote:

Hey Pri

So you are saying that the laundry has a better time 'hanging out'?  :joking:

Primadonna wrote:

What is so extraordinary about a woman who hang the laundry outside?



Primadonna wrote:

Yes, Bratty,  you're right. Even for me it's sometimes uncomfortable and do you know what? It's become so far that I feel uncomfortable as I see that some men are uncomfortable in my presence.

What is so extraordinary about a woman who hang the laundry outside?  Many times men staring at me until they past me by and causes almost accidents.
Or they think they are very subtle if they watch trough the mirrors of their car at me when they are in front of me.

But we tend to be a bit of topic here.

Primadonna because you are so beautiful  ;) ... flowers bring the bees  :top:

I look also the nice ladies at the street  :/


I can't argue with that,  specially considering my age. :D

Let's say I don't have my eyes in my pockets if I see a handsome man, which unfortunately is rarely the case here.  But there is a difference between looking and causes almost accidents.
And to be honest,  it happens anywhere but not everyone like it.


mohdq2002 wrote:
Primadonna wrote:

Yes, Bratty,  you're right. Even for me it's sometimes uncomfortable and do you know what? It's become so far that I feel uncomfortable as I see that some men are uncomfortable in my presence.

What is so extraordinary about a woman who hang the laundry outside?  Many times men staring at me until they past me by and causes almost accidents.
Or they think they are very subtle if they watch trough the mirrors of their car at me when they are in front of me.

But we tend to be a bit of topic here.

Primadonna because you are so beautiful  ;) ... flowers bring the bees  :top:

I look also the nice ladies at the street  :/ just made my point for me. Thanks!


HAHAHHAHAA.. I was trying so hard not to show my roll off the floor laughter earlier, but then Bratty, you came and put the last nail in!!
Well done & no comments!!  :lol:

Bratty1919 wrote:
mohdq2002 wrote:

Primadonna because you are so beautiful  ;) ... flowers bring the bees  :top:

I look also the nice ladies at the street  :/ just made my point for me. Thanks!


Xeeschan wrote:

HAHAHHAHAA.. I was trying so hard not to show my roll off the floor laughter earlier, but then Bratty, you came and put the last nail in!!
Well done & no comments!!  :lol:

Bratty1919 wrote:
mohdq2002 wrote:

Primadonna because you are so beautiful  ;) ... flowers bring the bees  :top:

I look also the nice ladies at the street  :/ just made my point for me. Thanks!

No problem :D


Bratty1919 wrote:

Not to be rude, but you're not a woman. You likely don't get it.

That would be a good reply to men who post on the ladies only threads.


Primadonna wrote:

What is so extraordinary about a woman who hang the laundry outside?  Many times men staring at me until they past me by and causes almost accidents..

Men are base - we see a lovely lady and think naughty thoughts, or that might just be me.
Girl, if you're causing accidents - take it as a massive compliment.

By the way, what sort of accidents are we talking about.
Is it damage to cars or underwear?


Believe me Fred, I don't want to check their underwear...

I don't think it has to do with beauty (which is always a personal taste) but with the mentality: they see a woman without the scarf and that's makes them upset.


Fred wrote:
Bratty1919 wrote:

Not to be rude, but you're not a woman. You likely don't get it.

That would be a good reply to men who post on the ladies only threads.

you may check first all my posts!


More often than not I wait until dark to bring the laundry in!


nice coffee shops in abdoun area


@ald3dania You could consider going for a massage alone or with a friend. If you prefer, there are a couple of decent places in Amman where you can go for chinese massage by professional ladies (Dr.Yang or the Chinese Foot Care).

If you have more time to spare you could sign-up up for a language, music, yoga or dance class. There're lots of these in Amman.  I took up one-one guitar classes at Freddy For Music (Garden Street) and they're pretty good. There's a tango/salsa dance studio near the French Institute in jabal weibdeh and also in that area there is a yoga studio near Canvas Restaurant.

Better yet, perharps you could volunteer on weekends at the Humane Centre for Animal Welfare and spend time / walks with a furry friend :) Have fun!


Hi there. From my experience I'd say just go to the mall. No one will bother you or even stare. Go watch a movie or just walk around. I love Makkah mall. My kids love taj mall and the galleria. They're all safe and have so many places to see. Good luck


Hi, I was going to post a similar issue. Although I'm Jordanian, I don not find much to do, alone, I regret to say.

I go out for walks when the weather permits. But that's about all.

Sorry for the above.

And if anyone suggests anything, please let me know. Thanks very much.

Thanks for the suggestion, but that might be rather far for some people, particularly those who do not have a car.

Be confident when you walk alone smile.png Imagine us (foreigners,first timer,and walk alone) how many eyes will stare at us ? i think for you it bit easier coz you are an Arab,And if you are afraid to go out because of Drinking and Argeelah,then i suggest you to stay Home (provide yourself with Good Books,More Snacks,and DVD's) Good Luck smile.png

- @Kate29

Staying at home?  That is a bit too much.

As for books, unfortunately they are not available any more. I personally LOVE reading. However, I have been reading on the net as there is no other choice today.

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