


Hi All

Am soon to be expat.(mid year next year) Did a little basic french at school many years ago. Will probably be in the north area. Any advice on where I could attend classes or is it better to do something local in South Africa before I leave. My feeling was to rather be on the island and experience the language.



See also

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barbara torrance

I'm becoming an expat in the next gewr weeks and would be interested inconvetsational French lessons. Like VIncent my level is also from school



Hello everyone,

You can drop an advert in the following section of the website : Language classes in Mauritius



My feeling was to rather be on the island and experience the language.



Is the best thing that should do  :happy:

Best of luck,

barbara torrance

Moderated by Priscilla 8 years ago
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Cara Kahn

We are planning to move to Mauritius and I would love something like that's


Hi, I am an expat in Mauritius been here for a while now. It has been pretty difficult to "learn conversational french". This initiative is very much welcomed for people like me. Hopefully there will be more update on this.......


We're hoping to arrive at the beginning of next year, and I would definitely be interested in conversational French lessons.  I'll be watching this thread with interest :)



If ever you are in the North, I would like to join in.


barbara torrance

Thanks everyone for your replies!  At this stage, I'm trying to see if we can gain enough interest to start something. If we decide to, it will be next year, which is not too far away!

I am working on getting a location to hold the classes, teachers, and a work plan in the meantime.

Another important question I have is, what days/times would work for everyone? Do you all work during the week? Would Saturday mid-morning classes work for you (3 hour class) or do you prefer an evening class during the week? I'm not sure what expat's schedules are. Please give me as much info as possible so that I can build a plan that can help lots of people.

Thanks everyone!

barbara torrance

Cara - Thanks for your reply! When are you planning on moving to MRU? I will updating this thread as much as possible, so please stay tuned.

barbara torrance

Hi everyone, for those that expressed interest in learning French/Creole in Mauritius, we are currently still planning the course. Please keep in mind that this course will be offered mid next year. This course will be to learn "conversational french/creole" and will be two separate classes. It will be a great opportunity to meet other expats, socialize, and learn the native languages, taught by native Mauritians.

The classes will most likely be in the evening and then a short Saturday class as well.

I plan to have the website up by the end of the year so people can sign up and get on our email list for more information and to stay informed. Thanks everyone! Please subscribe to this board in the meantime if you want to see updates.



Hi....I think that it will also depend on factors like...are we allowed to bring the kids along or not. Especially if your new in Mauritius and don't know a lot of people yet with who you can leave the kids.

barbara torrance

Amostorbeck, yes I totally understand as I have a little one as well. This is something that we will consider in our planning because it is important, please continue to monitor this board so that you will be aware of any updates until the website/newsletter is up and running (end of year). Thanks!

Cara Kahn

We are a family of 4, kids aged 9 and 12 and we all want to do lessons together. We will stay in the North x


hi there,
am keen to learn french aswell....


Hi, I would love to participate in the French class. Could you please provide me the timetable? Thank you


Hi Vince

I live in the North and I am happy to help you learn the language. I am Mauritian but I lived in the UK for the past 15 years. I am now back in Mauritius for good. I am a native French speaker. Good luck


barbara torrance

Moderated by Bhavna 7 years ago
Reason : Please do not use the forum for commercial purposes (either promoting your services or for advertising). You may register your services in the business directory.
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Cool...say when


appreciate if french tutors in mauritius can send a message to me to discuss how it works..thaks



I teach French and I live in Flic en Flac. I had a lot of expats pupils of very different origins. South-Africa, the USA, England, Denmark, Germany, Thailand, Egypt, Malaysia, Italy, and so on...
Feel free to contact me.


merci beacoup pour votre vous contacterai avant que je arrive il maurice certainment. au revoir
pendent ce temps, donnez mois des charges. peutetre, je resterai trois ou quatre semaine dans la maurice , mois ensuite


Je pense que vous avez utilisé Google Translate. Que veut dire donnez moi des charges ? Peut-être "Give me your fees." 500 rs de l'heure" Voua arrivez quand ?


Hi essar168,

As this is an English speaking forum, i invite you to write in English so that everyone can undersand and help you.

Thank you


Gene, thanks very much...i will let you know my arrival date in a couple of days but my arrival would be mid aug... je parle et comprend un peu francais sans google :)


Hi to all,
I will spent 1 month here in Mauritius and I would like to have some French lessons. Is there any teacher available ? I live in the Southern, but I can move.
Thank you in advance



Moderated by Diksha 5 years ago
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