
What is an OFII Card?

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Rowan Morse

Hello All

I just arrived in Paris. I have a one year visa "Vacances Travail/Canada. Dispense Temporaire de Carte de Sejour".

Does anyone know if I need an OFII Card?
If so, how do I get one?

Thank you!

See also

Working Holiday Visa in France for Japanese nationalsWorking Holiday Visa in France for AustraliansWorking Holiday Visa in France for South KoreansWorking Holiday Visa in France for New ZealandersVisas for France
naveed ahmed's look like a medical card that's show that you will  medical you fit for work...


I went to OFII last Tuesday for the carte de sejour. You can call OFII to ask if you need the carte de sejour, but I think with the type of your visa, you dont need it.

In case they say yes, you should
- make a copy of your passport and your visa
- fill in the form called VISA DE LONG SEJOUR - DEMANDE D'ATTESTATION OFII (I got this paper from the French consulate where I got my visa).
Then, search the OFII near your area and send these 2 papers there.
After that, you will receive a letter from OFII that confirms your visa. And, you have to wait about 1 to 4 months (depends on the OFII, it was 3 months for me), they will send you a letter to show you what to do after.
Hope this can help. If you have any questions, feel free to inbox me :)

Rowan Morse

Thank you so much!

Can you not work while you wait for your OFII card?

How much did it cost?


You can work with your visa, dont need to wait for the card.

Depends on your visa, for me it was 241€, somebody said 300€.


As for as I know, it is just visa for the first year and a card in the second year, form the local prefecture office.


How do you get that temporary work visa? Is that only given to canadians? Can it be extended after one year?


ChauDelapierre wrote:

I went to OFII last Tuesday for the carte de sejour. You can call OFII to ask if you need the carte de sejour, but I think with the type of your visa, you dont need it.

In case they say yes, you should
- make a copy of your passport and your visa
- fill in the form called VISA DE LONG SEJOUR - DEMANDE D'ATTESTATION OFII (I got this paper from the French consulate where I got my visa).
Then, search the OFII near your area and send these 2 papers there.
After that, you will receive a letter from OFII that confirms your visa. And, you have to wait about 1 to 4 months (depends on the OFII, it was 3 months for me), they will send you a letter to show you what to do after.
Hope this can help. If you have any questions, feel free to inbox me :)

How did you get long term  working visa, on what bases, can you share please :-)

Rowan Morse

Canada has an agreement with France for youth visas


Hi Borya,
Well, there is some preference for Serbia, as a future member of the EU, but getting a work visa without a job offer will normally be difficult. What is your profession/skills/qualification? It may be possible to come and find work based on that. You may have to return to Belgrade afterwards, to get another visa.
The other option is to enrol as student, do a degree or technical course and then look for a job. This requires some financing. You can also enrol in a French language course.


Hi Borya,

in order to get a valid French residence permit that also allows you to work here, you would have to get either a contract with a company, or find another legal way to come here and than stay. You may want to consider doing one year as a student of a language school, which would entitled you to student visa. This type of visa also allows you to work part time, and to support yourself. Later, you might get a contract with a company working in your field, and find another way to stay here.

In this situation, you would have to change your visa status. From "student" to "employee". This would require some administrative procedure involving your future employer and french administration.

Feel free to contact me on private email for more info.

good luck!


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