
Possible disabilty problems


Hi there,
My wife and I are planning to move to France in about 4 years time. I am 52 and my wife is 56. The only problem is my wife is registered disabled and has a condition which is not going to kill her but is incurable at the moment.She goes to a chiropodist every week in the UK and sees a consulatant regularly. I'm wondering if the French system can accomodate us (obviously once we are in the correct tax loop, etc)
Hope someone can answer this from a similar standpoint.

See also

The healthcare system for foreign retirees in FranceThe healthcare system in FranceHealth insurance for 70+US Medicare and French Protection universelle maladiePreventive care in France

Not really sure what you're trying to ask here. Are you wanting to know if she can continue her treatments here? Surely, the French health care system is excellent. However, you have to be careful and make sure you provide your own insurance. It works a bit different for the British than for me (American married to a French national), so if I were you, that's what I'd look into.

Not sure if your wife's disability affects her mobility, but if it does, I would be very careful. It can be difficult to find accommodations that are wheelchair-friendly, for example. There was some legislature requiring French buildings to get up to code for easier access by all, but they've decided to give companies yet another 10 years to get up to code. I'm not handicapped, but as an American I still find it a bit shocking as to how little consideration is given for those with disabilities here.


I just noticed that you said you guys plan on moving in FOUR years! While I can assure that in general, if there are treatments she needs done, they should be able to be continued, ignore everything else I said. For all we know, everything could change within that time frame.