Meet new people

Hi, my name is Jeremy and I would like to meet some new friends here in Qatar. my email is "" I enjoy doing many differant things. I am from the USA, Michigan originally...

Welcome Jeremy :)
Would you mind elaborating on "I enjoy doing many different things"? Are you talking about hobbies?

Hi Arlette,

Yes, I was talking about hobbies. I enjoy swimming, hiking, camping, boating, water sports, sports in general, horseback riding, going out to eat, watching movies, sitting around and chatting. I pretty much enjoy anything as long as it is not sitting around the house being bored and doing nothing :)

Have a great day,


welcome to u


Hi Bigone13! :) A brief presentation about you would be great! ;)

Hi Christine
I am an expat living in Doha (Computer Engineer)
am originally from Africa
looking for new people and to see different culture

Hey Guys!! im new in Doha too , im lookin to meet up with new ppl lets settle a time when we can meet ;)
