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"I hate writing these. It's so hard to describe everything about yourself in words. Each time I do I feel I never come close enough to who I really im"

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nnfsf444 wrote:

"I hate writing these. It's so hard to describe everything about yourself in words. Each time I do I feel I never come close enough to who I really im"

It gets easier with practice

Perhaps first write things down on paper, review them and then post.
What are your ambitions in life regarding work 
What work do you do and what experience and qualifications do you have
What hobbies do you have
Are you looking to travel and if so why and where. 

There are many other things you can write about too.


nnfsf444 wrote:

"I hate writing these. It's so hard to describe everything about yourself in words. Each time I do I feel I never come close enough to who I really im"

Your statement indicates that you're a confused personality. Suggestion is, to closely analyze yourself, based on your past and present experiences and you'll be cleared about your ownself.

Remember that, "A man is the best judge of himself".......!!!


hi dear you will come to Oman
if any help you want her all friendly people
i am study now if you have time try to send email to me
have nice time

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