
A 2nd 'thank you' to this site and to all the excellent contributors:)

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Dear Everyone,
Linda and I were supposed to be in Malta (Mosta) on 02 August for 6 months but regrettably she has a fall just days before and our flight etc has been postponed and now will be flying out on Saturday with our two welsh collies.

I would like to thank everyone for helping me and for your generous support and time and if you see couple, one with a back pack and the lady using wheelchair or crutches (it could be possibly us) please stop and say hello so I can thank you in person:)


Best wishes and good luck to all:)

Roy & Linda :):top:

See also

Living in Malta: the expat guideTravelling to Malta with two dogsTravelling with 3 dogs from UK to MaltaLong term room /apartmentHow to adapt to the expat challenges of everyday life in Malta
Roger Rabat

A big welcome Roy and Linda but please keep those lovely parrots out of sight.  The shooters (they call themselves 'hunters' ) are out and about till the end of January.  :mad:

A comprehensive Blog on disabled facilities is badly needed both for visitors and to lobby if you like to make a few notes.

Don't forget the dogs must have a collar and contact tag and must be on the lead in public areas.  You might also check with the vet that their chip numbers are transferable for Malta records. :top:   RR


Roger Rabat wrote:

A big welcome Roy and Linda but please keep those lovely parrots out of sight.  The shooters (they call themselves 'hunters' ) are out and about till the end of January.  :mad:

A comprehensive Blog on disabled facilities is badly needed both for visitors and to lobby if you like to make a few notes.

Don't forget the dogs must have a collar and contact tag and must be on the lead in public areas.  You might also check with the vet that their chip numbers are transferable for Malta records. :top:   RR

Cheers RR,
Am becoming more aware of the so called 'hunters' or should I say 'targets':( Linda and I are new to the disabled life (we are late 50's and ex service/business) and I had a stroke and Linda was involved in a 'hit & run' in Jan 13 but very positive people and nothing gets us down and when we were in Malta (twice now) noticing the very lack of facilities and just look more into how I/we may help others and get involved during our time here (now 4.5 months).

Our intention is to get to know Malta more before deciding our future and keeping our home in the UK for the time being anyway.

One of the reason we chose Mosta was the Dog Day Care Centre and of course the public park too and it is central to get everywhere too:)

Will certainly look into more about what you say about the chips etc as well:)



Roger Rabat

You are very wise deciding to hold on to your UK property although it's rumoured that George Osbourne has some nasty surprises lined up for ExPats in his next budget or even autumn statement.
They don't like us because we are having so much fun.  RR :)


id like a blog on disable facitlites etc too :)
maybe we could all start one together

Roger Rabat

Great idea Robert.   :)  RR


How does anyone add a new permanent 'topic' to the board on here, such as 'Disability Malta'??


robpw2 wrote:

id like a blog on disable facitlites etc too :)
maybe we could all start one together

How does anyone add a new permanent 'topic' to the board on here, such as 'Disability Malta' as would love to add to a debate and respectfully learn more and help moving things along that could benefit others? :)


thats a good point , i dont know i will ask the question in the forum and see if an admin or somone can advise


Write the post or article and ask Admin to make it a 'sticky'.
However, whilst the airport provides excellent services for disabled (having used them) once out of there forget it. There are some, a few, individual establishments that make an effort to cater for those with different needs but generally, a sea change of attitude will be required to get anyone here to understand and cater for the needs of those with different abilities.
I very much doubt if that will ever happen. A previous potential bidder to provide bus services severely criticised the islands 'powers that be' for failing to provide adequate infrastructure for access to buses for everyone, let alone for those with different abilities. 'P"*ssing in the wind' is an expression that comes to mind if anyone thinks they can effect any change.
Thinking on, one thing we can all do is educate the lazy and otherwise ignorant on the buses.
Unfortunately, the time has long since passed when people gave up their seats for the elderly or infirm. (Even priests were offered seats as a matter of practise, whether they needed them or not!)
The buses have priority allocated seating for those who need to sit but how many times do we see the young, fit and otherwise able bodied giving up these seats to those who need them?
Hardly ever these days.
Anyone needing such a seat should challenge anyone sitting in them and who could easily stand.
(Then stand by for the arguments.)


Thanks redmik for your some what insightful post into the feelings of others ...
I have decided to set up a forum called Enabled Malta

If you wish to join and have a disability or care for someone who does then please pop on over

Roger and Roy i shall pm you :)


Both myself and my wife used to work with children and adults with profound disabilities.
These days we also have to sometimes use some of the facilities for the less able ourselves.
This could be a very useful initiative but sadly, I remain pessimistic that anything will change out here, certainly not in the near future.
However, a focus on where facilities are available would be very useful to those thinking of holidaying or moving here.
Anything that helps provide an equal opportunity for others gets my vote.
Good luck.

Roger Rabat

@ Redmik.

Well said. RR

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