
ISIS crisis

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For a while now (about a year), my family and I have been searching for work in Saudi Arabia. We think it is a beautiful country and are drawn to it, although we are Christians. Of course, the no taxes and good pay is a great draw as well as we are trying to pay down debt. After doing an immense amount of research online, I soon learned that it is one of the safest countries (crime-statistically, etc.). BUT now with ISIS and all of that going on...I am having second thoughts. Major ones. Are any of the locals talking about them? I am wondering if it is foolish of me (a Christian American) to be considering this with all that is going on there. While we don't plan to travel throughout the Middle East while we are there, we certainly don't want to be in Saudi if they invade and are half way around the world from home.

I apologize for the rambling...I guess in a nutshell I'm wondering what local people are thinking about all of this.

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pretty sure if there was a concern with the locals living and breathing on Saudi soil, we would have read about it already.


That's not really what I meant. What I meant was.....are people in Saudi (locals or expats) concerned about ISIS invading Saudi?


every one is concerned about any thing here in saudi. if you need a sound advice, this is not the proper forum to ask but go ask your state department.


Why would ISIS invade Saudi??



ISIS invading Saudi is a highly sensitive political issue and we as expatriates do not and can not discuss or debate these subjects even on our compounds.

kindly go through the following thread: … acks.html#

A note for our innocent sister Rareshine " If the threat was there then people would have been talking about it".

Terrorism is a monster which thrives quietly underground and the whole world does not know until god forbids it comes to us as a bomb one fine morning!  Any of us had any clue on what happened on 9/11?  only we all found out that things had been cooking for years and all the agencies had evidence of terrorism plan, the only thing they did not know was : When!

It is a very detailed and complex issue, as far as you are concerned as an American Christian expat, you do not need to worry at all and not even think about it, there are thousands of Americans working here hapilly (who are 95% Christians) and are working for commercial organisations.

You are definitely under a much higher risk if you are offered an employment with the contractors who provide security, communications or other logistics support to agencies, but I am am sure you are the best judge to evaluate if this extra risk is worth the financial 'Package' you are being offered. :dumbom:


it's only a sensitive issue because you say it is, brother. We should all be worried about ISIS because, oh, we found an article on the internet, - lo and behold, everything we've ever read on the grid has been of truth and held much merit. NO. I find her post to be reaching, fishing. NO. there is no threat on Saudi, alhamduillaah.


Thank you all for your feedback! I thought it might a sensitive topic and hope that I didn't offend anyone. I apologize if I did. Just trying to get more info and see what it's really like...if it's still worth pursuing, etc.

riazcdki- thank you so very much for the article! I have scanned it, but plan to read it much later when my child naps. It looks very helpful, thank you.

mannyd- thank you...I should have thought of that. Will check with state department. Not sure why I didn't think of that.

Everyone else, thank you very much for your feedback and input! I really appreciate it. : )


Hi everybody,

i think that everything has been said here, i am therefore closing this thread !

Also note that political debates are strictly forbidden on the forum. Please see the Saudi Arabia forum code of conduct for more information.

Thank you,


(Topic closed )


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