lots of questions....hopefully you have some answers?
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Hi good evening,
My partner and I are english and have been living now in Holland for 5 years and plan to move to beautiful Malta this October,
We have applied for lots of jobs so we are confident something will come up but we seem to be facing lots of walls whilst trying to organize our big move.
The main one being that we are finding lots of properties on the letting agencies web sites that are within our budget and exactly what we are looking for but then once we apply we are told we need a bigger budget which is crazy as they are advertising them as available with prices well within our budget! ..??
Secondly we are afraid of who to trust as there are a lot of scams so if any one could maybe give us a few names of genuine letting agents that would be great?
the cost of shipping our things from Holland to Malta also seems to be a bit ridiculous, we do not have a lot of stuff as we are leaving most behind and have been planning/saving for this move for two years now so have not accumulated a great deal so if any one has any contacts that would also be great?
apologies for all the questions just seem to be going round in circles!
We hope to hear from you guys soon
Firstly welcome to the forum and to Malta (eventually).
Don't bother with trying to find property's on the internet, most landlords go with multiple agency's. When let, the property's will stay advertised for years!
You need to be in Malta and be firm with the agent regarding budget.
Stay in a hotel for the first couple of weeks while looking around the area you want to live/work in.
Lots of low paid seasonal jobs around or better paid call centre work but you need to be here.
Lots of information on the forum just look under the subject and away you go.
Good luck,
A nice, positive reply, Terry.
Regarding that call centre work, are you referring to banks? Or something else? Could you provide any links to apply to? I did find some at one point but don't recall where. My wife and I are just gearing up now for our big move. We love Malta and just want to 'be there'. We will however, wait for the end of season so property prices fall (hopefully), within our budget, and then we will leave the UK for Malta.
My wife has an excellent customer service reputation, and call centre work could be a start for us. Initially at least.
HSBC call centre was taking on not long ago. I've seen others advertised too on the job centre so they are out there.
As terry said don't bother with the letting agent websites, there a joke! I see lots in my budget but then told there nothing under £600 (and there is!!) I know of a couple of properties available from October, depending where u want to live, pm me if your interested and I can give you more details :-)
remember with letting agents they usually want half a months rent as a finders fee .. so factor that into your budget
with most places you need to get in and make a decision pretty much straight away .
October/november time you should get the "cheaper" winter long term rates depending on where you want to be,
Sometimes its best to contact landlord direct look out for advertisements in the window, the times of malta etc
Call centre work wise there is a lot of companys looking for bi-lingual workers so if you speak english and another language that will help .
There is the hsbc call centre too , (everyone wants this job) but in terms of other work its best to be here , because a lot of companies , wont call you back unless you have a maltese phone number,
Also some companies appear to be recruiting all the time when in essecence they just haven't taken the sign down , or removed the advert ..the ETC website is updated every week day and has some good jobs though
I hope you find something , im still looking for work (been here 2 months ) my partner on the other hand got a job two weeks ago started an IT job. Before then we were selling boat trips .. (not my kind of thing ... I'm far too nice and not at all pushy) but work is out there .. (hopefully a hotel receptionist job is on the horizon somewhere)
Hi Rob,
Thanks for the information. This forum can be a goldmine
I hope you find work soon. It's good at least that your partner has found work.
Selling boat trips eh? - I would have jumped at the wheel and sailed into the sunset!! hahaaa
Hi Terry ,
thankyou for your response
okay so we just come in Oct as planned and stay in a hotel....do you know of any cheap ones? also our belongings? we dont have a lot but would it be wise to have them shipped over with us or at a later date or is there a storage company you know of perhaps???
thankyou so much
I wouldn't recommend HSBC call center. I haven't worked there myself, but I've heard some negative feedback about it. Can't be sure though.
There are lots of customer support jobs in gaming industry. I think the average salary is something like 21-23k. Google for gaming job agencies in Malta. I don't want to publish their names here, but there are few big ones.
Good luck.
i would store , it come over here try it out and then have it shipped over , because it will be a nightmare moving your stuff to a hotel lol
okay thankyou every one for your input I think its great so many people are willing to help others maybe some day soon I too will be able to advise
I can just add that there are some information from other members who also had to ship their stuff over to Malta and I think they've also posted info about costs, shipping companies, etc.
With regards to renting, as mentioned before, you defo need to be here. The agencies normally don't deal with people who are still abroad coz the demanding for renting sometimes it's higher than the offer. Trust me, if they show you apartment and you don't take, I guarantee you that apartment will go in the same day. Depending on the area you'll be looking for, I might be able to help you as well.
As also refereed here, there are jobs available if you willing to work and do anything, even if in the beginning, it's something not related with your area. The important is to keep you going and then with time, you'll be able to find something else. Try the keepmeposted website, they normal have a lot of jobs within catering, hospitality, customer service and tech support.
Best of luck!
mantonas wrote:Trust me, if they show you apartment and you don't take, I guarantee you that apartment will go in the same day.
this is a lie - last time when I moved I was shown several apart.few times but with different agencies
reality is that if apartment is nice and not overpriced (as they usualy are) they will go fast, but many of them stick on the market for longer period
and in the end find a place on malta park so didnt pay comision, so when seraching check maltapark and newspaper adds, and when you'll be here ask local people do they now somebody renting
Duxx wrote:mantonas wrote:Trust me, if they show you apartment and you don't take, I guarantee you that apartment will go in the same day.
this is a lie - last time when I moved I was shown several apart.few times but with different agencies
reality is that if apartment is nice and not overpriced (as they usualy are) they will go fast, but many of them stick on the market for longer period
and in the end find a place on malta park so didnt pay comision, so when seraching check maltapark and newspaper adds, and when you'll be here ask local people do they now somebody renting
Duxx, don't call me a lier please! Just because you haven't experienced that, doesn't mean that it applies to everyone. I am saying that by experience and of course I am referring to nice apartments, no shit holes!
I have a close contact with someone in Mellieha who has a estate agency and I've been also contacted by quite a lot of people that were looking for apartments. I can guarantee you that 99% of the apartments he mentioned were available previously, they all went on the same day, some, just in few hours of showing to people.
I've already moved 3 times and therefore, I also been through all that and I've also seen a lot of apartments. In few occasions, when I called back the agency to check if that apartment was still available, the answer was no.
I think mantonas is right. The first place that I visited when I arrived in Malta, the agent was show me an apartment when the proprietary receive a call from a girl to deal the contract. Sha was been there 30 minutes before me.
Also, I saw another apartment in the morning and in the afternoon the agent call me with the "bad" news about that was rented.
A crazy market for me
pmichelazzo wrote:I think mantonas is right. The first place that I visited when I arrived in Malta, the agent was show me an apartment when the proprietary receive a call from a girl to deal the contract. Sha was been there 30 minutes before me.
Also, I saw another apartment in the morning and in the afternoon the agent call me with the "bad" news about that was rented.
A crazy market for me
There you go pmichelazzo. When I had people asking me for apartments, the guy from the estate agency told me few times he didn't have nothing available coz the apartments were going on the same day. I am not saying this happens all the time, but at least with the ones I dealt with, it happened a lot of times.
I think the nice thing about this site is everyone gets to talk about their own experiences and obviously every ones experiences differs as well as lots of people share the same experiences
I started this subject solely to gain a little knowledge and am very greatful for peoples input especially hearing lots of different views it gives you as a newbie some things to consider etc but I really do not want to be spending my research time reading on peoples debates.
perhaps people could just start their sentences with.... "In my experience"... ??
mantonas wrote:Duxx, don't call me a lier please! Just because you haven't experienced that, doesn't mean that it applies to everyone. I am saying that by experience and of course I am referring to nice apartments, no shit holes!
I have a close contact with someone in Mellieha who has a estate agency and I've been also contacted by quite a lot of people that were looking for apartments. I can guarantee you that 99% of the apartments he mentioned were available previously, they all went on the same day, some, just in few hours of showing to people.
I've already moved 3 times and therefore, I also been through all that and I've also seen a lot of apartments. In few occasions, when I called back the agency to check if that apartment was still available, the answer was no.
ok manatos, my apologies
I'M MY EXPERIENCE and also with information gained from a frend of mine who works for remax I stay with my claim that apartments don't just fly away the same day (and yes mantonas, not talking about shit holes)
since we have different experience, the conclusion is - everything can happen
adalai, just don't forget that owners and agents often know each other from before and sometimes they make a conversation like they have another interest or someone is coming just after you and you need to make a quick decision. don't fell for that and rush into signing
That's fair enough Duxx, apologies accepted. The thing is, different people have different experiences and what can be right for one person, does not necessary makes it wrong for the other, its just a matter of accepting other peoples views without automatically assuming if it's right or wrong.
Duxx wrote:adalai, just don't forget that owners and agents often know each other from before and sometimes they make a conversation like they have another interest or someone is coming just after you and you need to make a quick decision. don't fell for that and rush into signing
Again, sometimes this is true, sometimes it's not. In couple of occasions I've experienced, they were actually telling the true. The apartments were showed in the morning, in the afternoon when calling to check on them, they were gone. Other times, they just say that to put some pressure on the potential tenant. But you're right, the person shouldn't feel pressurized to rent anything, otherwise, he/she will end regretting as the apartment won't be what they were looking for. Always take your time, make all the relevant questions about the apartment and rent it out ONLY if you're 100% sure that's the apartment you want, apartments come and go and with time and patience, you'll find the right one
Hi Adalai,
There is a transport service that does the Holland-Malta route, Holland-Malta.com. I haven't used it myself but have heard good things about them from people who use them to shop for Ikea items. They also do other transport so it might be worthwhile to check their prices.
I agree with the opinion of others here about renting. You really have to be here to really be able to look into it properly and get an idea what is available.
Good luck!
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