
Cost of living in Chile

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BG Traveller


I am new to this forum. I would like to go and work in Chile. However, I have never visited Chile (or Latin America) before and I need some information regarding the cost of living there. I am interested in  the Santiago area. Can somebody tell me more about the salary ranges and the costs of rented apartments and utilities. I am single which makes things a bit easier.;)

Thanks in advance for any information!
Kind regards

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Hi (what´s ur name)!

   Depends of what do you do, average rent is between 800 - 1200 dolars, rents for engineers are between 2000 - 4000 US dolars, if you say what you do, i could give you more information.

- Flat with 1 room: 500 - 800 US dolars
- Rent a room (room mate): 200 - 350 US dolars
- Eat in restaurant: 6 to 8 dolars
- 1 Beer: 1 dolar
- 2 Liters of "terremoto" (national chilean drink) : 6 dolars, 10 hours drunk and red eyes for the rest of your week...
- 1 disco/pub night: FREE for women (men will pay you all if you are a "gringa" (come from Canada,Europe or US))
- 1 hour in a cyber coffe: 1 dolar
- 10 - 20 minutes in a Taxi: 4 - 6 dolars
- Rent a daily car: 60 - 100 dolars
- Ticket to south of Chile: 140 - 300 dolars (airplain), 100 - 200 (bus)
- Gas, Power, Internet, Water: 100 - 250 dolars per month
- Have a boyfriend in 1 minute: Talk spanish with foreign accent.

I hope give you some tips!
Don´t hesitate send me a message or ask here if you have a question,


Sherryl Apostol

Hola Ricardo,

Are those cost same in Santiago? Or is it in general?
I am currently working here in UAE as a Personal Assistant to the general manager cum secretary. Do you think i can get a job there?

Muchas gracias!

BG Traveller

Hi everybody,
1.Can somebody advise if the above prices for rent are all bills included or no?
2.Are there some specific requirements/rules for renting an apartment in Chile such as duration of the rent agreement/ deposit requirements or alike?
Thanks in advance for your reply!



I'm an Aussie in Chile at the moment. Hate the place by the way. South America is so #ucked up, honestly, Chile is a rich country but socially it's just terrible. Class system is more like the Indian caste system, only not as organised.
Rent, well. For an expat, it's a nightmare.
I have had three horrible situations so far.
One place I got a contract for 6 months, paid one month bond (350,000 pesos) $675 Aussie dollars. Be very careful dealing with people here. You have to go to a notary, but in the end it doesn't mean anything. If someone wants to be dishonest, then they are going to be.
The above price does not include water, electricity and a fee for living in an apartment building (think called Gastos)
water has been about 6,000 pesos per month, electricity 25,000 pesos and Gastos 25,000. So that's like another $100
I believe that 12 months is usual.
Some people ask for 1 month bond, some two. Also must pay first month in advance. These are general rules.
I'd go somewhere else if I was you.
Oh, and by the way I live in Santiago Centro.
I HAD to come here and stay for 6 months, otherwise I wouldn't ever want to be here. I have met some nice people, but Chileans (coming from other chileans) are generally backstabbers. So will be nice to your face, then rip you off.
The rich are just stone-hearted scum who do everything they can to garner more money.
The poor lie and decieve and then there's the ones in the middle who could swing either way.
Santiago is so polluted it's not funny. Apparently third in the world only behind New Delhi and Beijing. I prefer India any day of the week. Never had any problem there.

BG Traveller

Hello Wookie,
Thank you for your reply and for sharing your observations.
Well, to be honest even if I adore Spanish language I have some doubts about going to Latin America, simply because even if Chile is a leading economy there, compared to Europe for instance the life standard seems quite low-something like European prices  combined with quite low salaries.

As for the Chilean people- I know personally only two of them here in Canada, so I cannot generalize, but I can tell that my experience shows that all Latin Americans tend to lie surprisingly easily and even with no cause and to be backstabbers, so I can understand your point here.:)

Actually the bad thing is when laws are just for information and nobody respects them. I cannot imagine to have to go to a notary  so I can rent an apartment!!!! Also in general, anyone will try to rip you off, especially when you are a foreigner, but the worst thing is when you cannot rely on legal protection and you have no rights as a tenant.

Thanks a lot for your answer, it is important to me to read an expat opinion before taking decision and  moving to another country!
Take care!


My pleasure. I've also lived in Colombia for a few years. If I was you I'd go to Europe. Italy is great, lived there and is awesome. Yes, the economy isn't great but life is simple and people friendly in the smaller cities. Greece is great as well, again economy not, but it's really about priorities. Bulgaria is pretty cool. A little scary, but absolutely beautiful countryside and amazing food. Everything still made the old fashioned way.
So, yes. Chile, no. Sth America, naaaaa. Sure there are some cool things but you have to weigh things up.
I'm meant to go back to Australia in December but may have to leave in 1 month as being kicked out of apartment because landlord (lady lawyer) demanded 30% more rent on an apartment I'm already paying 70% more than Chileans. Why, cause she thinks she can, and get away with it. Currently seeing a solicitor. Also, did some checking on a partner of hers, the person that is like the agent who gets people like me to rent her apartments. Paid him a nice sum as a 'finders fee'. So found out this guy's used to live in Florida and got arrested for stealing 5.5 million off people, ridding them of their houses and savings.
Oh well, let's see what happens. He's moved apartments and buildings, but I found out where he lives!!!! What a dumb ass.
Forget Chile!!!
The wages in Chile are abysmal. I'm talking awful, just disgusting. I've talked to many people, so I have a pretty good idea. The rich are pissed because the lady president is trying to change the taxes/laws etc. to be more fair. It's funny cause they are blaming 'capitalism' as not being good for Chileans when it's just the greed of the few who are making trillions while paying wages comparable to a third world. WTF! Chili is in for a whole lot of hurt in the future.
P.S This will have to go in my next novel. If I survive :(


Wookiee wrote:

My pleasure. I've also lived in Colombia for a few years. If I was you I'd go to Europe. Italy is great, lived there and is awesome. Yes, the economy isn't great but life is simple and people friendly in the smaller cities. Greece is great as well, again economy not, but it's really about priorities. Bulgaria is pretty cool. A little scary, but absolutely beautiful countryside and amazing food. Everything still made the old fashioned way.
So, yes. Chile, no. Sth America, naaaaa. Sure there are some cool things but you have to weigh things up.
I'm meant to go back to Australia in December but may have to leave in 1 month as being kicked out of apartment because landlord (lady lawyer) demanded 30% more rent on an apartment I'm already paying 70% more than Chileans. Why, cause she thinks she can, and get away with it. Currently seeing a solicitor. Also, did some checking on a partner of hers, the person that is like the agent who gets people like me to rent her apartments. Paid him a nice sum as a 'finders fee'. So found out this guy used to live in Florida and got arrested for stealing 5.5 million off people, ridding them of their houses and savings.
Oh well, let's see what happens. He's moved apartments and buildings, but I found out where he lives!!!! What a dumb ass.
Forget Chile!!!
P.S This will have to go in my next novel !!!! If I survive.

BG Traveller

Hey Wookie,

Thanks for your opinion, and I am sorry that you have troubles with your land lady.However, It seems to me that you tend to see things worse than their actual state. I've lived and visited multiple countries and I can tell you that you usually you will get riped off by locals when you are a foreigner. I had many experiences like this in Canada, which is one of the reasons why I hate the country.:)
Second, maybe Latin America is not the perfect place to live but the countries that you are mentioned are not the best places to live in EU either- Italy and Greece- OMG the locals are totally out of work, what can I expect to be doing there as a foreigner except wasting my savings???
As for Bulgaria, I am Bulgarian and I do not feel scared there, have no idea what you mean.:D

Juts try to see the nice sides of life too, believe me I have been to places that a lot of people think are great but for me are just a terrible (Canada).:)
Take care !


Hey BG,

I really liked Bulgaria by the way, I guess I was a little scared because when you come from a nanny state like Australia that has been stable for so long, and go into an old world place like Bulgarian that you can still feel the blanket of communism, it's just scary for people like me. Perhaps I'm a wimp :)
Yes, I agree. When you have too many bad experiences in one place it can sully your POV, but I guess that's what happened to you in Canada.
I'm very against passports and all the rules with 'immigration'. I believe people should be able to go where they see fit. It only suits people who wield the economic wands to control people. Passports were only EVER used during war times, but now are compulsory, why???
I love travelling and meeting people and seeing other cultures, but there are things that I cannot stand now (prob cause getting older) and that is deception and lying. South America is of course a beautiful continent and has a rich history, but it is also politically and socially quite fucked up (common knowledge). I do like to look past what people say about a place just by it's economic state because economics is a shitty subject that is a big part of ruining this world. So when i say Italy or Greece, I am not talking about them being places of good fortune, but they are very nice places to live, as I'm sure Bulgaria is! :) I think if someone is looking for a place where they are more inclined to care about money then places like Australia, England, the USA are probably places they will enjoy. (although USA CAN be very bad if u don't have money)
Who knows. Everyone has an opinion and it depends on experiences as you say. I lived on an island in Greece, in a small village paying very little rent and ate good food, met nice people etc. I have had struggles in Italy, but just love the people and culture???? I live in Australia, but have never felt at home because it can be a very cold culture, based on English, although it's such a beautiful part of the world. Who knows.
Whatever the case, good luck with your travels and have fun. I think, wherever people go, if they meet good people they will enjoy it and vice versa.

BG Traveller

Hello Aussie,
Thanks for your kind words:)

Well I am actually looking for a new country  because I guess I am too disgusted with the typical North American kid of culture: "money-is-king-and-everything-is-for-sale", I also hate people lying all the time and believe me this happens a lot here when they try to take your money. I hate the stupidity and lack of even general knowledge of locals and the great self-esteem on top of that. Not to mention the shittiest weather that I have ever seen, and the struggle to survive the winter:)

I meet latinos here and I feel that they are more like me- warm and southern kind of people:)

I know what it is like to hate your new country and I can only tell you that this is absolutely normal, You can find tons of scientific research discussing this :)  But I have to mention that I also hate my own country, which is ok too.

Finally, I wish you all the best and a good resolution of your landlady problem, don't worry I have been thru all this here too- I was twice ripped off by quebecois landlords just because I am a foreigner and I don't know the local laws and rules.

Take care and give Santiago my regards:) I hope I can go there too:)


Hey, i'm from Chile and also i've been in South Korea and the price level among those countries are too similar but difference is that the average wage exist among Chile and Korea, in Chile the low average wage reach $250.000 ($USD 520) but compare with korean average wage about $USD1.500 USD you can see that Korean people has a higher purchase power compare us (Chilean).

Chilean economy is distorted by the high price level and low wage rates...

Well if you have any doubt do not hesitate to send me a reply or inbox

See you!!

Warm regards

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