
Ban the bikini in Kuwait?!

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Whyyyyyyyyyy my life is over!!!  :sosad:

Apparently they want to ban it everywhere even in hotels and private beach clubs such are the Corniche and Hilton! Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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you always can fly to dubai or qatar.american passport so visa on arrival.



The parliament hasn't banned the bikini yet, but mainly conferring in that regard.

A significant portion of citizens are condemning the potential decision and regard it as an attack on personal freedom, so it may not be passed.

In any case, even if it passes as a law, people will still be able to wear bikinis on the beaches of private hotels. This is officially stated.


I wish they would ban speedos as well, how gross is it to go to the pool in the Hilton on to see guys lying on their backs, with speedos and their goods on display although it does make it easier to know which one to definitely skip.


best would be.they should separate men and women if either of them feel too offended.or state timings.


@mariamrabbit: I read and heard that it was going to be banned in hotels and private beach clubs too (I know the previous times that wasn't the case) hence the cries! I really hope they don't pass it :(

@kuwait41: YES they should also definitely ban the speedo too! The majority of them men who wear them shouldn't...

@ace117 I don't see why It would be necessary to separate men and women? Also I'm fully aware that I could fly to Dubai or Qatar but it would be stupid to fly there just for the sake of sun bathing especially when I spent a hefty amount at the Corniche for that sole purpose.

ace117 deleted


Remove subsidies, decrease the number of expatriates, prohibit expatriates from having cars, make government hospitals exclusive for citizens and now ..... ban the bikini, a firecracker just like the ones before in order to divert our attention from bigger problems that actually require the parliaments time and effort.


I find it ridiculous that the woman is blamed when they are the victim but that's just my opinion.

Ace117: you make it sound as if all men are animals and women are objects. In other parts of the world where women are able to comfortably sun tan you rarely hear any issues about the women being victimized. I honestly don't see anything wrong with sun tanning in a bikini whereas you seem to have an issue with it but hey we're both entitled in our opinions. I just heard about the ban and just wanted to share it with everyone not have a debate about whether who thinks it's right or wrong to wear a bikini.

Justfedup: Ditto!


Ace I think we are spinning off on a tangent here; can we not make this a matter of our own personal beliefs and what Islamic faith requires?

Kuwait is a multicultural society and as such different cultures are entitled to their own societal requirements.

and again, asking a woman not to go to the beach in a bikini is NOT the answer!


Tina, lets start a hashtag on Twitter #SaveTheKini, altho let me put ur mind at ease by saying this is not the first time, nor will it be the last time, that this issue is brought up.

now on a more serious note; is it true a mother lost custody of her children coz she wore a bikini in kuwait?!


This ban is got no excuse rather than religious view and maybe saving children future whilst forgetting Wat the same children watch on television shows and movie.


Aymz: yes yes yes! I shall join Twitter and tweet all about it :D

I did notice that this isn't the first time however this is the first time that it's been suggested at private hotels and clubs which is why I got worried since that was never mentioned before. I read about the poor Kuwaiti women who lost custody of her children because she was seen photographed with another man in a bikini in another country! Wow I can't believe that would make someone unjust to be a parent, that's just insane to me!

simplest_me: You're totally correct unless they ban television, the internet and even the clothing advertisement at the mall as well these children will still be exposed!


That's just d gospel truth....most of this children have explored more than their parents could ever imagine so banning bikini making a difference I doubt....with all Islamic laws we still have a lot of Kuwaiti who are gay....what did they do about that?


tinataitlyn @a description of misunderstanding as my opinion ,you cant call it my opinion,i had explained what the reason most probable.i am not taking any sides,i wanted to clear the clash that is happening between understandings.

i didn't say suntanning is wrong or should not be done.

the post is deleted anyway,the explanation was too offensive to some.


Hey..its all rumors and proposals by the MPs, dont worry, you will still be able to wear your bikini ;)


Do you have any hope about it cos I forsee it happening.


I read in the Arab Times yesterday that one of the MPs threatened to resign should this proposal go forward as he saw it as, and I quote "retarded and backward".

from the horses mouth ladies & gents :)


This sounds interesting....lets just keep our fingers crossed.....but let's remember this is an Islamic country it might not be reversed.


@Legacy, I read the article about the Kuwaiti female losing her kids, she was on the beach in a bikini with an unrelated male, pictures got back to the ex and she lost her kids.


Pls can I get a link to read d news full.?
On the woman u lost d custody of her child.


i think u cna find it on Arab Times (link)


its just one of many ways to minimize the numbers of expats ..not only the bikini, look at rents and the income margins everything...they have a plan..


no dear, its not true.


What if.. Some girl wears short shorts and a tank top will she also be banned from the public beaches too?


here's the thing about public beaches - its pretty much a sausage-fest (pardon me), ergo no woman in her right mind should ever or would ever sunbathe there. you get equally more sunshine on your rooftop, and if salty air is your thing, just get a humidifier or one of those facial thingies.

bottom line, i believe the bikini ban (alleged or whatever) is more of a protection for the ladies from gawkers. and lets face it, we do not live in a society where a woman can wear whatever she wants and not have the odd stare, matter of fact there is no such society, period. there will always be someone, somewhere gawking at someone dressed in a manner with which they are not familiar.


by the way people none of you ever heard about Kubbar island here in kuwait ? tina your life is not over yet, still can have fun and wear your bikini away from the city down there in Kubbar its free for those whom lookin for the beach life style freely without any witness from the country supervisors and free from any type of controls and i say it from a personal experience,

and you may also enjoy your bikini in the southern beaches area in kuwait as Messila area it's less observed beach than the corniche and the upper city area haven't been there for a while but as i was there found women tanning over the beach with bikinis on,, quite sure about it more free atmosphere to be on with your beachwear


Don't worry friends if they ban the bikini, still u can have ur tan out of it

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