
finding work in ghana

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hi im looking to move to ghana to marry my girlfriend who has been with me for 3 yrs, i need to find work, i am a building site manager in the uk working on projects up to 6 million, inc high end housing projects (footballers house) etc, i am a joiner by trade but can turn my hand to anything, i am used to health&safety regs and building regs, design and build and major problem solving any help will be greatly apprieciated.
the job does not nessesary have to be building work as i can turn my hand to many things and can diversify and cope with anything thrown at me as long as it pays enough to live confortably on and look after us both aswell thanks dennis

See also

Job offers in GhanaLiving in Ghana: the expat guidePerson in SunyaniCan I hire this maid/housekeeper?Exceptional leave in employment law in Ghana

Hi Dennis,
Did you have a look in Ghana's Classifieds- -> Jobs section?
Good luck


yeah ive checked on ghana web classified not much there, do you know of any other sites i should be looking at? thanks dennis


Then it is simple : our friend Google


hi feeacer, i have tried ghana web classified and google but it seems that its who you no rather than what you know over in ghana, you see the story is my girlfriend of 3 years has since march this year been refused a visa she has been over here many times in the last 3 years but now has been refused twice we want to get married so i want to move over there to marry her and wait for the spouse visa to come through so we can both return to the uk to settle she has a 6 year old daughter that has medical and mental problems on a british passport through her father,up to march this year we had her in school over here and was recieving medical treatment too on the nhs but now we cant get her back over without her mum to continue the good work that was being done for her over here so things are very desparate at the moment for me and her mum to get this sorted please any help or contacts that you can pass my name to would be greatly appreiciated thankyou dennis heyes


I think my advice would be to go to Ghana on a tourist visa with your CV and then look around for a job. Obviously I am not advising you to work but I think that if you are on the ground so to speak you will have more chance of finding something yourself than applying from the UK.


thanks hkann, i will be going over there later on in the year but i am trying to find out if there are building companies over there to take my cv to first so i don't just end up travelling around blindly looking, at least if i could talk to a few first and make an appointment to see them when i get there it would be easier. so i need a few contacts over there first in order to do that. thanks for the reply


If you go on to and look at the yellow pages you will find a list of building companies so that might help you with your search.


Taysec is here..try them

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